Paranormal Activity During Abduction

Paranormal activity during the phenomenon known as Abduction is the process in which, The presumed kidnapped or abducted, are seen by many people more prone to kidnapping or abduction process, and / or paranormal events-events with respect to those persons who have not undergone a process of abduction or as they are not prone to such Abduction phenomena. 

Following an abduction experience, these paranormal abilities and appearances sometimes seem to be more pronounced. According to researcher Benton Jamison, experimenters in the kidnapping or abduction phenomenon of UFO sightings that report should have been, but they are not reported by witnesses who corroborate often seem "to be" psychic personalities susceptible to such events, "says Jan Ehrenwald. " 

Abduction Vital Statistics

In a study investigating the motivations of the alleged hijackers or abductors, Jenny Randles, found that in each of the 4 cases of 50 total, where the experimenter was 40 years old or more, in which case they were rejected by aliens, "they (the experimenters) generally infer that there is a medical reason." Randles concludes "The abduction is essentially the experience of a young person" Given the reproductive focus of the alleged kidnapping or abduction phenomenon is not surprising that a man reported being rejected because he had had a vasectomy. It could also be partly because people over 40 are less likely to have "hormonal" or stop active reproductive capacity.

Although the kidnapping or abduction processes and other UFO reports related to the alien theme, which according to case reports those who experienced the process of abduction were people usually adults.

However, sometimes reported cases where young children realize similar experiences. These reports of children often have very specific details in common with regard to the reports of the kidnapping or abduction of adults, including the circumstances, the narrative, bodies and the consequences of the allegations, etc. Often these young abduccidos kidnapped or have family members who reported having abduction experiences as well. Family involvement in the armed forces, or a home near a military base is also common amongst claimants or Abduction Child Abduction. 

Narrative of cases of abduction or kidnapping of humans

Although different cases vary in detail (sometimes significantly), some UFO researchers, such as folklorist Thomas E. Bullard argues that there is a wide stream, very consistent and descriptive of the facts that make up the typical "close encounter of the fourth class" (a popular building designation, but official, Dr. J. Allen Hynek classification terminology ). 

Although the features described below have been reported, there is some disagreement as to exactly how often they actually occur processes or phenomena of Abduction. Some researchers (especially Budd Hopkins and David Michael Jacobs) have been accused of excluding, minimize or withdrawn and important data of the Testimony, that do not fit a certain paradigm for the phenomenon of abduction.

Bullard. argues that most files on stories about kidnapping or abduction processes based on the following events. Generally followed the sequence shown below, although not all kidnapped or abducted manifest the same characteristics Abduction Event: 
  • Capture. The abductees are abducted or forcibly taken from a terrestrial environment to a seemingly alien spacecraft. 
  • Review. Medical or scientific procedures are performed in the abducted, according to his testimony generally. 
  • Conference. The kidnappers tell of the abduction experience. 
  • Tour. The abductees are given a tour of the ship of his captors, according to their narratives. 
  • Waste of time. Kidnapped quickly forget most of their experience. 
  • Back. The hostages or abduccidos are returned to earth. From time to time in a different place from where they were allegedly taken or with new injuries or disheveled clothing. 
  • Theophany. The abductee has a profound mystical experience, accompanied by a feeling of oneness with God or the universe. 
  • Sequelae. The abductee must cope with the psychological, physical and social experience. 

In describing the "scene of kidnapping or abduction process," David M. Jacobs says:

In the event of kidnapping or abduction, all is not precisely orchestrated. That is not all procedures are predetermined. There is no standing or about to report them to the abductees to be done next. Orientadaos beings are task-and there is no indication that they were capable in the process of finding any aspect to retake control of their lives, outside of conducting abduction procedures set by their captors or abductors, obviously when able to remember them. 

Catch them in the process of abduction

People who say they were victims of a process of abduction or kidnapping Informam unusual sensations that precede the onset of an abduction experience. These feelings manifest as a compulsive desire to be in a particular place at a particular time or as expectations that something "familiar but unknown", soon to be produced. The abducidosinusual kidnapped or has actually occurred is still quite high. This period of apprehension may last several days before the abduction actually takes place in lonely places and desolate places.

Finally, the experimenter or abducted to be submitted to an apparent "change" in an altered state of consciousness. British researchers have called kidnapping or abduction in this change of consciousness "Oz factor." External sounds cease to be relevant to the experimenter and the fall of perception. They say they feel unusually introspective and quiet. This stage marks a transition from normal activity to a state of "limited mobility stubborn." As consciousness changes from one or more lights to go and that appear, sometimes accompanied by a strange mist. 

The source and nature of such lights differing in the report, sometimes the light emanates from a source outside the home (probably for the kidnappers of UFO (Unidentified Flying Object), who in turn are alien beings who commit Abduction supposedly so controversial.) Sometimes the lights in the bedroom with the experiencer become alien figures.

As you move the alleged kidnapping or abduction, the plaintiffs say they will be walking or flying in an alien craft, often through solid objects like walls or window. Alternatively, they may experience increased feelings through a tunnel with or without the kidnappers or abductors accompanying them on the ship that is waiting for the hostages or beings that are the subject of the abduction.

Most abductees report that will take them to his room before falling asleep.

Normally, the beginning of the experience of the kidnapping or abduction, the abductee will report paralysis, sighting a bright light and the appearance of humanoid figures.

In many reports of abductions, and (l) (I) individual (s) in question are those who travel by car at the time of the incident, usually at night or early morning hours, and usually also in rural or sparsely populated. UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) was seen later, (sometimes on the way) and the driver is left deliberately investigate the abductors, or the car stops due to mechanical failure evident. Other forms of mechanical failure and interference are also common, such as the car radio producing static or does not work, it is also common during the processes of abduction reported to register a number of other processes or strange or abnormal behavior. On the occasions that have been present, animals such as dogs usually also display a greater fear response, irritability, unexplained hypersensitivity or a kind of extrasensory perception shortly before the event.

Upon exiting the vehicle, and (l) (I) Driver (s) and passenger (s) often experience a blank period and temporary or permanent amnesia post-event, after which again are standing or in front the wheel of his car, as they were before the abduction process. While often can not consciously remember the experience, and the same is subsequently remembered nightmares Through hypnosis will reveal events that could be interpreted as abduction phenomena and processes that have occurred during the absence of explicit memory, whether partial or total.

Discussed in the process of abduction

In the examination phase within the process of abduction or kidnapping. According to the narrative of respondents who say they have gone through the process of abduction, say that is characterized by performing procedures and examinations by apparently alien beings against or independently of the will of the experimenter. These procedures often focus on sex and biological reproduction. However, the literature has reports of a wide variety of procedures allegedly performed by humans. The beings who appear to be in charge of the operation are often higher than the others involved.

Miller said the different areas of emphasis between human medicine and that is supposedly practiced by the hijackers or abductors. Seems to be the skull, nervous system, skin, reproductive system and to a lesser degree, the joints. Apparently these things pay less attention to the cardiovascular, respiratory system below the pharynx and the lymphatic system. Apparently the abductor or abductors also appear to ignore the upper abdomen for the bottom.

There are also differences in procedure and emphasis between human medicine claiming to be practiced by those alien entities. The kidnappers did not appear to use gloves during the "examination." Other constants of terrestrial medicine like pills, tablets and syrups seem to be used but there really are few narrative data from abductees about it. Sometimes hostages are asked to drink fluids. The shots also seem to be rare and are almost completely absent. Dr. Miller says he has never heard a complaint by some abducted by having to use a tongue depressor.


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