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Femoral bone, femoral muscle
Femoral Bone

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As its name implies femoral muscles or femoral abductors as applicable, are those that are embedded in the femoral bone or surrounding them in any way.

The femur or thighbone, is the most proximal (closest to the body), is the bone of the vertebrate leg that makes them able to walk, jump and perform many different activities, such as in the case of Most mammals, birds, many reptiles such as lizards and amphibians such as frogs. They also have femoral bone, femoral muscle and femoral muscle abdutores, four-legged vertebrates, including dogs, horses, cows, bulls, among others. HOWEVER include and clarify that the femur bone and / or femoral muscles and / or femoral abductor muscles are found only in the hind legs of these animals.

Human anatomy, the femoral bones, muscles, hamstrings and adductors

In human anatomy, The femur is the biggest bone. Together with the temporal bone of the skull, is a of the two bones in the body stronger. The femur bone in the average adult male is 48 centimeters (18.9 inches) long and 2.84 cm (1.12in) in diameter in the middle of the stem, and can support up to 30 times the weight of an adult. The femur itself as their abductors that partially surround and some of them are called adductors, also part of the hip joint to join (in the acetabulum), no such binding is static or fixed. The same way but at the bottom is part of the knee joint, which is located above this.

There are 4 species of bumps in the human femur

The first 2 in the head known as the greater trochanter and lesser trochanter. And another 2 in the lower extremities. Appear several times since just after birth to about age 14. Initially, he joined the main body of the femur with cartilage, which gradually becomes ossified to the above projections, which have become an integral part of the femur bone, usually in early adulthood.

The femur shaft is a kind of cylindrical protrusion with a rough line on its back surface (linea aspera).

The intercondylar fossa is present between the condyles at the distal end of the femur bone. In addition to the intercondylar eminence of the tibial plateau is not so much a pit or anterior and posterior intercondylar area, sites of ACL and PCL, respectively.

Changes in femoral bone or muscle or abductor muscles surrounding the primitive animals

In primitive tetrapods (four-legged animals), the main points of muscle attachment along the femur are the internal trochanter and fourth trochanter, and a ridge along the ventral surface of the femoral shaft referred to as adductors crest. The neck of the femur in these early tetrapods is minimal or absent especially in the most primitive forms, reflecting a simple attachment of the end of the femur bone in the acetabulum.

The greater trochanter was made extinct archosaurs, as well as in modern birds and mammals, is associated with loss of early growing up. The lesser trochanter is a unique development in mammals, which lack the internal and fourth trochanters. The adductor ridge is also often absent in mammals, or reduced to a series of folds along the bone surface.

Some species of whales, snakes and other vertebrates have no vestigial foot or femur. One of the first vertebrates known to have Eusthenopteron femur bone, a prehistoric lobe-finned fish of the Late Devonian Period. In invertebrates, the name femur is also given to the most proximal bone of the entire human body, jointed legs segment of some arthropods such as spiders.


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