The return of the kidnapped or abducted to the ground after an abduction phenomenon
The abduction
experience some 
human after suffering
a process alinigena or
alien abduction

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The Traumatic Experience Narrated by Stories and Some People Say that Have Suffered the Process of Alien Abduction or Kidnapping Firsthand

Eventually the kidnappers as reports or files kidnapped or abducted, showreturning to planet earth, usually return to exactly the same place and under the same circumstances that were before being kidnapped or abducted. In general, explicit memories of the abduction experience are not present, and the abductee will realize they have lived "time lost" the control of a clock.

Notably, then realize the process of Abduction to remember in recurrent dreams, hypnosis, or simply Deyaboo species vague memories taking shape and strength in their minds.

Sometimes the alleged abductors appear to make mistakes aliens to return to their captives.

The famous UFO researcher Budd Hopkins has joked about "cosmic application of Murphy's Law" in response to this observation. Hopkins has estimated that these "errors" accompany 4-5% of the reports of abduction. One type of apparent common mistake made by the kidnappers is that the experimenter returned or abducted in the same place where they took initially. This can be as simple as a different room in the house, or even some say kidnapped and find out all the doors of the house are locked from the inside.

Holding events during abduction

Physician and researcher John G. kidnapped Miller sees significance in the reason a person would see herself as a victim of the abduction phenomenon. He calls the vision or development leading to this change in the identity of the hostages abducted not the "realization of events." The realization of events is often a unique and memorable experience, but Miller reports contain information on which not all kidnapped or abducted have the same experience and therefore presents the fénomeo Abduction as a separate episode. Either way, the realization of events can be considered the "clinical horizon" of the abduction experience, as it can be considered a part of the review but with the difference or addition of other experiences within it, and sensations paranormal for example.

Traumatic and recovery process or phenomenon Abduction

Most people who experience a process of alien abduction reports that invasive tests are practiced in their bodies and some attribute psychological trauma from these experiences. The abducted or kidnapped by aliens say their memories of events have caused post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). "Post-abduction syndrome" is a term used by those kidnapped or abducted to describe the effects of the kidnapping or abduction phenomenon, although not recognized by any organizations and professional treatment. The difference between the PAS and post-traumatic stress disorder is described as a recurrence of the phenomenon and the inability to identify when the disorder began and, in addition, the medical community sees the PTSD as a serious and debilitating, while the "PAS" has been promoted only by researchers from the fringe.

Support groups for abductees or people who have experienced processes of abduction (abduction by alien beings or aliens)

Support groups for people who believe they have suffered or abduction abduction phenomenon began to appear in mid 1980. These groups appear throughout the United States, Canada and Australia. Its members are mostly married white women with some college education.

Hypnosis therapy as a follow-up post-abduction

Many foreigners kidnapped remember much of his abduction through hypnosis therapy. Because of this, it is argued by some skeptics that: The vast majority of evidence in cases of alleged alien abduction, is based on memories "recovered" through hypnosis focused, better known as therapeutic hypnosis. 

Due to extensive use of therapeutic hypnosis, abduction narratives are often justified by skeptics as false memories and suggestions enforced by the hypnotherapist. Allegedly kidnapped or abducted; seek hypnotherapy to address issues such as time lost or unexplained physical symptoms such as muscle pain or headaches. 

This usually involves two phases, an information gathering phase, in which the hypnotherapist asks his subconscious on unexplained or unusual disease events during the life of the patients (or distortions caused by the alleged kidnapping or abduction phenomenon), followed by therapeutic hypnosis and guided imagery to facilitate the recovery or collection of information thereby increasing the likelihood that these events will be included in more "consistent memories in the minds of those kidnapped or abducted. 

Seven steps are the assumptions to supposedly bring to the development of false memories: 
  • One person is predisposed to accept the idea that certain experiences can be puzzling or inexplicable signs that UFO abduction. 
  • The person seeking a hypnotherapist, whom he or she sees as an authority and that is at least open to this explanation and have some previous familiarity with the reports of abduction UFO (Unidentified Flying Object). 
  • Alternatively, the frames of the disconcerting experience, linked to the therapist in terms of a previous story kidnapped or abducted before the hypnosis therapy. 
  • Explanations 
  • There is a growing commitment to the explanation of kidnapping or abduction and increasing reduction of anxiety associated with the reduction of ambiguity. 
  • The therapist legitimizes or ratifies the kidnapped or abduccido experience, which is the additional positive reinforcement. 
  • The customer takes the role of victim, kidnapped, or abducted, that is integrated into psychotherapy and the client's view of itself, to reduce their stress in some form post-abduction.


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