Cram (Edible - other meanings)

Cram word has different meanings, then we will know the most common.

Cram (Edible)

Describes the food, merchandise, sold at a store called neighborhood grocery store or outlet as well.

Cram (wedge of a pallet)

Cram is also called a wedge or reconstituted wood or metal that serves pear squeeze, forcing both the pallet as the pallet or formwork, either plastic, wood, metal or made of other materials.


Grocery retailing is a store established primarily for the food retailing, staffed by a custom-shop owner usually owns a grocery or convenience stores, offers its customers, different types of food in different places and cultures, for resale or sold in your shop or establishment of groceries in order to obtain a gain from such trading activity.

Grocery Stores and Supermarkets and Departments

Although the Grocery Store and Supermarket can be found almost the same, the big difference is that a grocery store is run by its owner and has an assortment in small amounts but instead a supermarket, department store now large areas are called commercial establishments on a large scale with large stocks of goods and a large volume of specialized and highly competent employees.

Grocery Stores (Fruits and Vegetables - Fruit Shop)

Small grocery stores that sell mainly fruits and vegetables are known as product markets (U.S.) or greengrocers in (Britain) and other parts of the globe.

Grocery stores or snack (Delicatessen)

Small grocery stores that predominantly sell snacks and sandwiches are known as convenience stores or delicatessens.

Story Grocery Stores

Grocery Stores in the U.S., down from the trading posts, selling not only food but clothing, household items, tools, furniture and other miscellaneous merchandise. These trading posts became large companies known as general stores or grocery stores.

This type of commercial establishments in general had adequate facilities for the sale of goods such as flour, dry beans, baking soda, and canned foods. Perishable foods were presented in more specialized markets. Thus, for example, is getting fresh meat from a butcher, milk from a local dairy, eggs and vegetables were produced by families themselves or bartered with neighbors, also shopped at a farmers market, local typical or a greengrocer.

Many rural areas still contain general stores that sell products ranging from cigarettes imported napkins. Traditionally, general stores have offered credit to its customers, a payment system that works on trust rather than modern credit cards. This allowed farm families to buy basic foodstuffs to harvest when it could be sold.

The first convenience store or grocery self-service, "Piggly Wiggly, was opened in 1916 in Memphis, Tennessee by Clarence Saunders, an inventor and entrepreneur. Before this innovation, customers officers gave orders to fill your shopping cart or simply asked what they needed the shopkeeper or auxiliary. Saunders allowed the invention of both fewer employees serving customers as the service of the facility itself, giving good results (according to Time magazine, 1929) "in part because of its novelty, and partly because neat packages, prepackaged and increasing advertising of such products, made the retail grocery became an almost automatic process "

The Department of Labor U.S. has to figure it out, bought food at home and in restaurants is equal to 13% of household purchases, behind 32% for housing and 18% for transport. The average family in the U.S., spent U.S. $ 280 per month or U.S. $ 3,305 per year in grocery stores or convenience stores in 2004. The newsletter or survey: Dollar Stretcher found U $ 149 per month for a single person, U.S. $ 257 for a couple and $ 396 U.S. dollars for a family of four.


Because many European cities (Rome, for example) are already so dense in population, large buildings, supermarkets in the American sense, they can not then replace the grocery store or neighborhood groceries. However, "Metro stores have appeared in the city and urban centers in many countries, leading to the decline of smaller independent stores and large out of town and somehow displaced by supermarkets and hypermarkets such as Tesco and Sainsbury's in the UK.

Canada and the United States

Grocery stores or Edible U.S. operate in many different styles, ranging from rural operations owned by the family, such as income-generating activities, chain boutique, such as Whole Foods Market and Trader Joe's for more chain supermarkets. In some places, food cooperatives, which belong to their own customers, have been popular.

However, recently there has been an increasing trend in stores serving large geographic areas. Very large all-in-one "hypermarkets like Wal-Mart for example, and global destination have recently forced the consolidation of the food business in some areas. The global buying power of such companies has been very efficient financial burden higher in traditional grocery stores, as well as national supermarket chains.

Location in a residential area near the trade, meaning that customers are all close to your home or workplace.

Latin America

Supermarkets in Latin America have grown rapidly since the early 80's. A large percentage of sales of food and other items are made by grocery stores today. Some examples are the Chilean supermarket chains or large areas such as: (Santa Isabel Jumbo and covers in Chile, Argentina, Brazil and Peru), D & S (Lider and Ekono) and Falabella (Supermarkets as Tottus in Chile, Peru and San Francisco also in Chile). These three chains are subsidiaries of large retail companies that also have other business units such as department stores and home improvement outlets. The three also operate their own credit cards, which is a key factor, they also sell well have insurance and travel agencies. These companies are also in the execution of some shopping centers in many countries such as Argentina, Chile, Peru and Colombia.

Two other chains began in 2008, Unimarc, who bought several small local chains and has more than 20% of the segment of supermarkets in Chile and Southern Cross, an Investment Fund of Chile, which has about 8.6% in the supermarket segment, primarily engaged in the southern parts of the country.

Food Waste

Many grocery stores in the United States donate leftover food (eg, deli foods and bread after the expiration date), a homeless shelter or charity kitchens. It is estimated that 27% of food is lost annually.

Cultural Impact

Some grocery stores or supermarket chains specializing in foods of a certain nationality or culture, such as Italian, Oriental or Middle Eastern, etc.. These stores are known as ethnic markets and can also serve as meeting places for immigrants. In many cases, the wide range of products carried by major supermarkets has reduced the need for specialty stores and such.

Many teens have found their first job in the grocery stores, supermarkets or chain Store idle and / or department.


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