Grocery (store - groceries)
Grocery store also known
as conveniencestores or
Grocery in some parts
of the world

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The Grocery is the neighborhood store where they are sold all kinds of food directly to the public at wholesale and generally so are retail sales at such words and small numbers, the Abacería has the quality to provide a service where the grocer shopkeeper known as personally attends to its customers, offering a more humane and traditional.

In the Grocery store, it is common: Milk, milk drinks such as yogurt, buttermilk, kefir, dairy in general as: cheese, butter, cream, eggs, meats, sausages and hot dogs, bologna, ham, paté , breads, fish, fruits, vegetables, 

vegetables, soft drinks, condiments, candy, cakes, cookies, coffee, chocolate, pickles, pasta, grains and legumes such as rice, beans, chickpeas, peas, lentils, toiletries such as shampoos, toothpaste or toothpaste, toilet soap , detergents, brushes, brooms, mops, sponges, pads, mats, household solvents such as mineral spirit, bleach, etc. ...

Although the sale of liquor corersponde most liquor stores and cigar that convenience stores or Grocery is common to find the sale of these the same as permitted by the laws of each country.

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