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Pounce (Pull up or rush into something or someone)

Generally called Pounce: The act of throwing, throw, drop, crush, press, lunging, lunging, jumping over something or someone, usually unexpectedly, this is often perhaps the most salient feature of that term, because the person committing the act does so abruptly and unexpectedly.

Hence, it is common to use the term to DESCRIBES violence or sudden, for example, "Pounced on the car," "When the child without thinking Pounce on the precipice nearly fell for this, but fortunately it was not so." ...

Other definitions of Pounce

Pounce (weight training)

Pounce the term often in sports lingo to refer to weight training, exercise used to strengthen the quadriceps, gluteus and the muscles comprising the "hamstrings", the semitendinosus, the semimembranosus and biceps femoris. A long Pounce stresses in the buttocks, while a short Pounce emphasizes the quadriceps.

To Pounce properly, your feet should be placed across the shoulders, and then steps forward, landing heel first. The knee should be 90 degrees and directly over the toes, no more (giving a shorter stride may put pressure on the knee). The movement continues until the back knee is almost touching the ground. The individual returns to its starting position by driving upward with the front leg.

The Pounce can be done without weights (ie, only body weight). However, weight trainers usually try to increase the difficulty by using dumbbells or weights (each hand) or a barbell on it (which took place on the neck and shoulders). advanced trainers may find the grip strength is a problem with the dumbbell rushed, and therefore prefer to Pounce but bar weights tend to be more stable.

Pounce is the fundamental offensive Fencing technique used in all three fencing weapons: foil, épée and saber. It is common in all contemporary styles of fencing.


A number of things happen almost simultaneously during the execution of a Pounce Fencing:

  • The knife arm extends the earliest possible arrival of defender.
  • The front leg kicks forward with the heel barely touching the ground.
  • The strong back leg and straighten the arm is thrown back with force back, pushing forward on the body explosively.
  • The cut (sable) or thrust (three arms) comes to the defense.

The heel of front ends and is firmly in contact with the ground. Forefoot absorbs the momentum of the body rocks forward as the front foot forward to maintain full contact with the ground, ending with the front knee directly above the heel and forefoot facing the front. Arm back, shoulders, hips, and the front end of the thigh to parallel with the ground on a stable and balanced position.

The fund is the most basic and important method of scoring offense. It is essential for the attack, as the protector is essential to stopping the system. A thrust has the attack immediately and without notice. It also allows the time and a strong position for the shooter to recover safely in case of failure.


The characteristic movement of the thrust trace their ancestry of modern European swordplay of 16 and 17 centuries. Students of the fence as the true Egerton Castle first attack attributed to Angelo Viggiani ramming and Lo schermo of 1575 (the supramano tip, or "dig up the head"). A simple forward or push through for the attack is common and the Royal Armouries Ms. I.33, more or less to date to the mid 14 century.


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