AAA (Acronym with multiple meanings)

Can be a three-letter acronym or it may simply mean something that is high quality, first class and excellent, (Quality Triple AAA).

As a name, Aaa is found only in species name Cavaticovelia AAA (Aaa Water Treader), an insect in Hawaii.

As an acronym or abbreviation, the AAA term may refer to:

AAA - Economic, political and social
  • American Ambulance Association
  • American Automobile Association, or "Triple A"
  • Automobile Association of Australia, a member of the FIA

AAA - Economic
  • American Academy of Actuaries
  • American Accounting Association
  • American Angus Association
  • American Arbitration Association
  • A credit rating, Ex. Triple-A status
  • Air Alps Aviation

AAA - Political
  • Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933, the U.S. federal legislation
  • Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, the U.S. federal legislation
  • Anti-Communist Alliance Argentina, an Argentine right-wing death squad in mid-1970
  • American Anti-Communist Alliance ("Anti-American Alliance" in Spanish), a right-wing paramilitary organization in Colombia, 1978-1979
  • Anti Apostolic Alliance in Spain, see 1977 Massacre of Atocha

AAA - Social
  • Youth Adopt-A - Alley Empowerment Project, San Francisco, California
  • American Anthropological Association

AAA - Arts
  • Allied Artists Association, a society of the exhibition in London founded in 1908
  • American Abstract Artists, an artist management organization formed in 1936 to promote and encourage public understanding of abstract art
  • Associated American Artists, an art gallery and marketing business of art

AAA - Architecture
  • Alberta Association of Architects, a regulatory body

AAA - Literature
  • A. A. Attanasio, Science Fiction writer.
  • AAA, a Japanese manga created by Haruka Fukushima

AAA - Language Arts
  • Accurate, adequate and appropriate (AAA), the words used to describe the quality of the information, details, facts, evidence, etc. in nonfiction reading and writing

AAA - Music
  • AAA (band), a Japanese pop band
  • "AAA", the sixth song City (1997), by Strapping Young Lad
  • Adult Album Alternative, a radio format
  • Against all authority (-AAA-), an American ska-punk DIY
  • Accordion Association of America '
  • Angels & Airwaves, an alternative rock band, also commonly known as "AVA"
  • AntAcidAudio, an independent record label
  • The lowest note on a piano (Sub-Contra)

AAA - Theatre
  • Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, British actor

AAA - Sports
  • Triple-A baseball (), the highest level of minor league baseball in North America
  • American Airlines Arena, Miami Heat Sports Stadium
  • Consulting and Management Assistance, a Mexican wrestling promotion
  • Amateur Athletics Association of England
  • Arkansas Activities Association
  • Montreal AAA, the oldest association of Athletics Canada

AAA - Science and technology Astronomy
  • Amateur Achievement Award of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
  • Amateur Astronomers Association of New York
  • Association of Autonomous Astronauts

AAA - Aviation
  • Anti-aircraft warfare, also known as anti-aircraft artillery or "Triple A"
  • AAA, the IATA airport code airport Anaa French Polynesia
  • AAA, Code ICAO airline Ansett Australia, an Australian airline
  • AAA, the airport code of the FAA Airport Logan County (Illinois)
  • AAA, Advanced Aircraft Analysis (aircraft design, stability and control analysis software)

AAA - Chemistry
  • Acetic anhydride
  • Arylalkanolamine
  • Amino acid analysis

AAA - Computers
  • AAA protocol "Authentication, Authorization and Accounting, access control, policy enforcement and audit framework of computer systems
  • Advanced Architecture chipsetSoporte Amiga Hardware Amiga Commodore draft
  • ASCII adjust after addition, an Intel BCD operation code
  • The highest of three levels of web site accessibility measured by Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

AAA - Mathematics
  • Angle angle angle, see the similarity (geometry)

AAA - Medicine
  • AAA proteins (ATPases associated with various cellular activities)
  • The Triple A syndrome
  • Abdominal aortic aneurysm
  • American Association of Anatomists

AAA - Social Sciences
  • American Anthropological Association
  • Ghotuo language (ISO 639-3 language code)

AAA - Technology
  • AAA battery, a standard size dry cell
  • AAA protocol, Computer Security - Authentication, Authorization and Accounting
  • Analog - Analog - analog, a designation for the audio. transmit analog recording

AAA - Another
  • Access to all areas, a series of CDs of music from Scottish rock band Runrig.
  • American Airlines Arena, sports and entertainment venue in Miami, Florida


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