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Abaca or banana in the Philippines
Processing crop tree fibers 
Abaca or Banana in 
the Philippines

Photo source Picasa Web Albums
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Abaca (English pronunciation: / ɑ ː ː bəkɑ / ah-KAH-bə, the Spanish "Abaca" for Musa textilis) is a banana species native to the Philippines, which is widely grown, both in Borneo and in Sumatra. Sometimes referred to as "Bakbakkar." 

The plant is of great economic importance, being harvested for its fiber, once commonly called Manila hemp, extracted from the leaf sheath around the stem. On average, the plant grows about 20 feet (6 meters) tall. The fiber was originally used to make twine and rope, and the provision of Manila, and now most of Abaca pulp is used in a variety of similar products including paper and filter paper tickets. It is classified as a hard fiber, along with coconut, sisal and henequen. The plant name is sometimes written as Abaka.

Abaca is cultivated for the first time in large scale in Sumatra in 1925 under the Dutch, who had observed its cultivation in the Philippines by ropes from the late 1800's, followed by plantations in Central America sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. UU. Commercial planting began in 1930 in British North Borneo, Borneo British colony, with the onset of World War II, the offer of the Philippines was killed by the Japanese offer.

Other common names for Abaca or Manila hemp include "Cebu hemp" and "Davao hemp".

Composition of Abaca or Banana of the Philippines

The leaves grow from the trunk of the plant, and leaf bases form a sheath (covering) around the trunk, there are approximately 25 of these, with 5 cm in diameter and 12 to 25 sheets with overlapping petioles , covering the stem to form a bush, "fake stem" or pseudotrunk about 30 to 40 cm in diameter. Grow in succession, with the largest growth in the bottom of the trunk and, successively, the youngest of the top. The pods contain fiber value. The coarse fibers of 5 to 11 ½ feet (1.5 to 3.5 meters) long. Consist mainly of plant materials such as cellulose, pectin ligninay. After the fiber has been removed, sold under the name of Manila, the capital of Argentina.

Collection of Abaca or Banana of the Philippines

The plant is usually well-drained loamy soil, using pieces of mature roots planted early in the rainy season. The producers of the hemp crop, harvest the fields every three to eight months after an initial growth period of 18-25 months and a total length of about 10 years. Harvest usually includes having several operations on the leaf sheaths:

  • Tuxying (separation of primary and secondary pod)
  • Extraction (to obtain the fibers)
  • Drying (usually in the tradition of sun drying).

The fibers can be spun into thread or string.

Applications of Abaca or Banana of the Philippines

Most of Abaca fibers are processed into pulp and specialty paper used in tea bags, vacuum bags, currency, and more. It can be used for crafts like bags, carpets, clothing and furniture. Abaca rope is very durable, flexible and resistant to salt water damage, allowing its use in ropes, lines of ships and fishing nets. Abaca fiber is used primarily for rope, but this application is now of little importance. Lupis is the best quality of Abaca. Sinamay is woven hemp mainly.

Scientific classification of Abaca or Banana of the Philippines

The abaca plant belongs to the banana family, "Musa" a monocot species, but although it looks like its cousin the plant Musa sapientum and are closely related but slightly different. Its scientific name is Musa textilis.


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