Supply (Get or provide: Products or services)

Supply is the fact equip or provide an item or service to a natural person or legal entity. HOWEVER then find other types of supply or delivery:

Supply or supply to economically

In economics, supply, supply or supply is the amount of some manufacturers that are willing and able to sell at a given price, all other factors held constant. In general, supply is represented as a supply curve, which shows the relationship of price with respect to the amount of product that companies are willing to sell.

Supply schedule or time source

A supply schedule or time source is a table showing the amount of one or more companies will be willing to supply a specified price. The supply curve shows the quantity of goods to a provider who is willing and able to sell at a specified price with circunstancis force. Some of the most important factors affecting supply are the prices of the goods themselves, the price of related goods, production costs, technology and the expectations of sellers.

Factors affecting supply or supply

There are countless factors and circumstances that may affect the willingness of the sellers or the ability to produce and sell an asset. Some of the most common are:

Product price itself

The relationship between the basic service is the price of goods and the quantity supplied. Although there is no "law of supply" generally, the relationship is direct or positive meaning, ie an increase in price will induce and increase the amount offered. Price of related goods: For purposes of analysis of products related to the offer and that they refer to goods of which the inputs are derived for use in the production of primary goods. For example, spam is made from pork shoulder and ham. Both are derived from Pigs. Therefore pigs are considered a good spam-related. In this case the relationship would be negative or inverse. If the price of pigs increases the supply of spam decrease (supply curve shifts upward or inward) because production costs have increased. A good relationship can also be an asset that can be produced with existing factors of production of the company.

For example, a firm produces leather belts. Company executives know that the leather bags for smartphones are more profitable than the straps. The company could reduce its production of belts and bags to begin production of cell phone based on this information. Finally, a change in the price of a product set that affect the supply. For example, meat and leather are joint products. If a company runs both a meat processing operation and a tannery an increase in the price of fillets which means more cattle are processed which would increase the supply of leather.


Technology is the way inputs are combined to produce a final good. [4] A technological advance would make the average cost of production to decline reflected in a change to the exterior of the supply curve.


Sellers' expectations about future market conditions can directly affect the supply. If the seller believes that demand for its product increases significantly in the foreseeable future, the owner of the company immediately, it may increase production in anticipation of future price increases. The supply curve would shift outward. Note that the outward shift of the supply curve can create the exact condition of the seller, the excess of expected demand.

Ticket price

The inputs are land, labor, energy and raw materials. If the input price increases the supply curve will move in that sellers are less willing or able to sell goods at current prices. For example, if the price of electricity increased vendor can reduce its supply due to higher production costs. The seller is likely to raise the price of the seller charges for each unit of production.

Number of providers

The market supply curve is horizontal sum of individual supply curves. As more companies enter the industry supply curve will shift to lower market prices.

Government policies and regulations

Government intervention can have a significant effect on supply. Government intervention can take many forms, including health and environmental regulations, wage and hour laws, taxes, fees, natural gas and electrical and zoning regulations and land use.

Note that this list is not exhaustive. All facts and circumstances relevant to the seller of will or capacity to produce and sell goods can affect output. For example, if the forecast is for snow retailers respond by increasing their stocks of snow sleds or skis and winter clothing or bread and milk.

Supply function and the equation

The supply function is the mathematical expression of the relationship between supply and factors affecting the willingness and ability of a supplier to offer products for sale. For example, Q = f (P, P ⎮ rg S) is a supply function in which P is equal to the price of Prg is equal to the price of goods and S equals the number of producers. The vertical bar means that the right variables are kept constant. The supply equation is the mathematical expression of the functional relationship explicit. For example, Q = 325 + P - 30 Prg + 20S. 325 is intercept is the repository of all unspecified factors, which affect demand for the product. P is the price of the good itself. The coefficient is positive then the general rule that the price and quantity supplied are directly related. Prges the price of a well-connected. Usually the relationship is negative because it is an input or input source.

The supply curve

The relationship of price and quantity supplied can be displayed graphically as the supply curve. The curve is generally a positive slope. The curve shows the relationship between only two variables, price and quantity supplied. All other factors affecting supply remain constant. However, these factors are part of the supply curve and are present in the intercept or constant term.

Movements to changes

Movements along the curve occur only if there is a change in quantity supplied by a change in the prices of the goods themselves. A change in the supply curve, referred to as a change in supply occurs only if a determinant of price changes do not bid. For example, if the price of an ingredient used to produce a good, and there is a good relationship, then you probably were on the rise, and therefore the supply curve would shift inches.

Inverse supply equation

For the economist graphic conventions of the dependent variable in the y-axis and the independent variable on the x axis This means that the equation represents the equation is reversed. The shape of the inverse supply equation is P = f (Q). An example of an inverse supply equation would be P = Q / 2 + Y/40.

Run marginal cost curve and short supply

A business firm or supply curve is short run marginal cost curve above the point of closure (the SRMC above average variable costs at a minimum). The part of the SRMC below the point of closure is not part of the supply curve because the company is not producing any results. The company runs along supply curve is the curve of long-term marginal cost above the minimum long run average cost curve.

The shape of the short supply curve

The law of diminishing marginal returns (LDMR) shapes SRMC curve. LDMR states that as production increases with time a point (the point of diminishing marginal returns) is reached after which additional production units will become smaller. The mathematical relationship is MR = MC = w / MPL where w is the wage and MPL. Beyond the point of diminishing marginal returns of the marginal product of labor declines continuously. As MPL is reduced with a constant salary MC will increase.

Since the signing of the market supply curve

The market supply curve is horizontal sum of the firm supply curves.

The shape of the market supply curve

No law of supply that "requires" that the market supply curve is positively sloped, the curve can go down or up or be horizontal or vertical.


The price elasticity of supply measures the responsiveness of quantity supplied to changes in price, as the percentage change in quantity supplied induced by a 1% change in the price. Is calculated for discrete changes (AQ / DP) x P / Q and mild changes differentiable supply functions as (∂ Q / ∂ P) x P / P. Since the supply is generally increasing in price, the price elasticity of supply is usually positive. For example, if the PSE for a good is 0.67%, an increase of 1 in price will induce an increase of two thirds of the amount offered.

Significant determinants include: Response time: The PSE coeffiecient largely determined by the producers to react quickly to price changes by the increase (decrease) in the production and delivery (supply of Court) products to market.
  • Complexity of Production: Much depends on the complexity of the production process. Textile production is relatively simple. The work is largely unskilled and production facilities are little more than buildings - no special structures are needed. Thus, the PSA for textiles is elastic. Moreover, the PSE for specific types of motor vehicles is relatively inelastic. Auto manufacturing is a multistep process that requires specialized equipment, skilled labor, a large network of suppliers and large research and development costs.
  • Response Time The longer a producer has to respond to price changes more elastic supply. For example, a cotton farmer can not immediately respond to an increase in the price of soybeans.
  • Overcapacity: A producer who has unused capacity can respond quickly to changes in market prices, assuming that the variable factors are readily available.
  • Inventories: A producer has a supply of goods or the available storage capacity can respond quickly to price changes.

Other elasticities can be calculated for non-price determinants of supply. For example, the percentage of change, the amount of the delivered goods caused by a 1% increase in the price of a good elasticity is related to an entry in the source if the relationship is good an entry in the production process. An example might be the change in the supply of biscuits caused by a 1% increase in the price of sugar.

Linear elasticity along the supply curves

The slope of a linear supply curve is constant. The coefficient of elasticity is usually no. If the linear supply curve intersects the axis of the PSE and is infinitely elastic at the point of intersection. The coefficient of elasticity decreases as a move "up" curve. However, all points of the supply curve will have a coefficient of elasticity greater than one. If the supply curve intersects the x-axis linear PSA will be zero at the point of intersection and increase as you progress through the curve. However, all points of the curve has an elasticity coefficient less than 1. If the linear supply curve crosses the origin PSE is equal to 1 at the point of origin and throughout Cuba.

The market structure and the supply curve

There is no such thing as a monopoly supply curve. Perfect competition is the unique market structure for which the function can be a source of products. A function is a rule that assigns to each value of a variable of a single function value. In a perfectly competitive price is determined. A manager of a competitive firm can say with precision what amount of goods will be sent to any price for a simple reference to the signing of the marginal cost curve. To create the role of seller's offer price could simply be zero initially and then gradually increase the price at each price level that can estimate the quantity offered in the supply equation After this process, the administrator could trace the supply function. A monopolist can not replicate this process. A change in demand can lead to "price changes without changes in production, changes in production without changes in price or both." There is simply no one to one relationship between price and quantity supplied. There is no single function that relates the price with the amount offered.


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