Abducted or prospects of people who have experienced alien abduction phenomenon, known as Abduction Phenomenon

Alien Abduction

Psychological effects
and perspectives
Victims of
Abduction process

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There have been a variety of explanations for the phenomena that offers the abduction or alien abduction phenomenon, ranging from highly skeptical assessments, the uncritical acceptance of all claims of the hostages as demonology, and everything else.

Some have chosen not to try to explain things, rather than pointing out the similarities with other paranormal Abduction or specifically, or simply document the growing phenomenon of alien abduction.

Others are intrigued by the whole phenomenon of alien abductions, but feel free to make any definitive conclusion. The late Harvard psychiatrist John Mack concluded, "The farthest you can go at this point is, there is a real mystery here. And that is I think, so that any person must experience to fully evaluate or judge.

Leaving aside the question of whether the reports are, literally, kidnapping and objectively "real", literature professor Terry Matheson argues that their popularity and interesting attraction is easy to understand. Stories of abductions alien "are inherently absorbing, it is difficult to imagine a more vivid description of human powerlessness." 

After experiencing the frisson of delightful terror one may feel from reading ghost stories or watching horror movies, Matheson notes that people "canmake the world safe from their homes, knowing that the phenomenon Abduction in question can not follow or is fiction. But as the kidnapping and abduction myth has said almost from the beginning, not kidnappers are common but extraterrestrial aliens.

Matheson writes that in comparison with the previous report contacted, accounts of alien abductions are distinguished by their "relative sophistication and subtlety, which enabled them to enjoy a more favorable reception from the public immediately."

Perspectives skeptical about alien abduction or kidnapping

The outlook skeptical about the phenomenon of alien abductions are the views stated in the reports of people who say they were abducted or abducted and subjected to forced medical examinations by non-humans, there are no literally as reported in these files of paranormal events. Despite being just one of many competing explanations for the phenomenon, is the only one that is widely accepted by mainstream scientists and historians. Alternative explanations, such as the extraterrestrial hypothesis, are largely rejected by scholars as pseudoscientific.

Examples of tests or diagnostic procedures that allow seemingly establish the veracity of a narrative of the phenomenon of alien abductions
  • Proposed psychological alternative explanations of the abduction phenomenon have included hallucination, temporary schizophrenia, seizures, and parasomnias, sleep-around mental states (hypnagogic states, night terrors and sleep paralysis.) sleep paralysis, in particular, often accompanied by hallucinations and peculiar sensation of malevolent or neutral presence of "something", though usually people experiencing not interpret that "something" 'from the aliens. Occasionally the abduction phenomenon is also the theory of a confused memory of past events (such as sexual abuse).
  • Some of the alleged abductees may be mentally unstable or under the influence of recreational drugs.
  • In the world of demons-Haunted astronomer, Carl Sagan for his part, said that the alien abduction experience is very similar to stories of demons and kidnappings common throughout history. "There is no spaceship in these stories. But most of the central elements of the alien abduction account are present, including sexually obsessive non-humans who live in the sky, walk through walls, communicate telepathically, and carry out experiments on the reproduction of the human species. Unless we believe that demons really exist, how can we understand this strange belief system, accepted by the Western world as a whole (those considered the wisest among us), reinforced by personal experience in every generation, and taught by the Church and State? Is there any real alternative besides a shared delusion based on common brain wiring and chemistry? " (Sagan 1996). 
  • It has also been noted that Terence McKenna described seeing "Machine Elves", while experimenting with Dimethyltryptamine (also known as DMT). In a 1988 study conducted at UNM, psychiatrist Rick Strassman found that approximately 20% of volunteers injected with high doses of DMT had experiences identical to those alleged alien abductions.

Parapsychology and conspiracy in relation to the phenomenon of alien abduction

Some have argued that the kidnapping or abduction of foreigners themselves, is a literal phenomenon: Where the aliens abduct humans for tests or experiments. This is a known popular explanation, well, but has been very little support from most mainstream scientists regard.

Several authors such as Jacques Vallee and John Mack, has suggested that real "dichotomy" versus "imagination" may be too simplistic, in which a proper understanding of this complex phenomenon may require a reevaluation of our concept of the nature of reality.


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