Abducctor (Relative to the abduction, alien abductors, adductors body)

Since ancient times 
the issue of abduction
or Alien abduction
or alien has state
in ancient mythology,
modern and classical;
As we see in 
Rembrandt's painting

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Abductor: Alien or alien performs an act of abduction, ie a process of abduction, with multiple variables.

Abduction or kidnapping in the Ancient World

From the old man over history and through their artistic or mythological showed us his fear of kidnapping or abduction by extraterrestrial beings, as we can see in the image on the left, where an eagle huge kidnaps a child, which can not defend this, and is at the mercy of "mythological animal."

We can also see clearly the uncertainty that has sent us this painting by Rembrandt in the seventeenth century, in which shows the information, stories, myths, legends and writings and general information they had at that time on this type of paranormal events, because although we do not see aliens as such in the paint or rather represent them today, if we see that are not normal or common animal that is somehow the artist is trying to show a being unworldly or mythological, which today we call alien or alien and give it different shapes and looks very different from those we saw in the Rembrandt masterpiece of the seventeenth century.

This gives us a measure of the concern of the human being paranormal or even today have no conclusive explanation and therefore is the man to explain these events in different ways or ways Through such stories, legends, myths, mythological paintings, stories, futuristic stories, etc.

Abductors: Different muscles located along the body which are named according to their specific location or etymological root.

Abductor pollicis longus

O its acronym in English (APL) is one of the extrinsic muscles of the hand. It lies just below the supinator muscle and is sometimes united with it.

Origin and insertion of the abductor pollicis longus muscle

It originates from the side of the dorsal surface of the body of the ulna below the insertion of Anconæus of the interosseous membrane and middle third of the dorsal surface of the body of the radio, the abductor, passing obliquely downward and laterally ends in a tendon, which runs through a slot in the side of the lower end of the radio, accompanied by the tendon of extensor pollicis brevis, and inserted into the radial side of the base of the first metacarpal bone.

From time to time issued two sheets near its insertion, greater bone and other multi-angles to mix with the origin of the abductor pollicis brevis.

Action Abductor pollicis longus muscle

The main action of the adductor longus is shelter, contracting and somehow hijack the thumb carpometacarpal joint, which makes moving the thumb forward. By its continued action it helps to abduct the wrist.

Abductor muscle of little finger

In human anatomy, little finger abductor (abductor digiti minimi, abductor Quinti, ADM) is a skeletal muscle located at the ulnar border of the palm. Forms the ulnar border of the palm and spindle-shaped, as defined in the hypothenar eminence of the palm along with the skin and connective tissue and fat that surrounds it. Its main function is to take away the little finger of the other fingers (ie, kidnapping).


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