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Bumblebee Stealing The Flower Nectar Plants

THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE BUMBLEBEE AND FLOWER PLANTS IS NOT ALWAYS SYMBIOTIC, Bumblebee Stealing the Flower Nectar Plants,  Bumblebees extracted pollen not dehiscent plan, However it should be noted that generally Bumblebees are excellent pollinators but only while they are a large number of species of flowering plants, This dude Bumblebees extracted pollen not dehiscent plants, Pollen particles adhere to the body bumblebee for two reasons, The pollen adheres to the bodies of the Bumblebees is skillfully brushed by its legs,
Stealing a Bumblebee
Nectar From a Flower
You can see that
Pollination is not
Always Effective

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The Relationship Between The Bumblebee And Flower Plants; Is Not Always Symbiotic

However not always the relationship between flowering plants and bumblebees is symbiotic because sometimes some Bumblebees often steal nectar without pollinating the flower, as biting or punching the seat or base of the corolla of the flower, into which the liquid is known as desired nectar. However it should be noted that generally Bumblebees are excellent pollinators but only while they are a large number of species of flowering plants.

The bee s no honey bees and pollinators are also buzzing. This dude Bumblebees extracted pollen not dehiscent plants, ie plants that do not publicly expose their seeds Through his anthers so the Bumblebee with its ringing vibrate the flower in order to extract their anthers the prized and valuable pollen these much needed. The buzz is self pollination of plants belonging to the family Solanaceae as potatoes, snuff, tomato; and this type of polinzación hum, is also conducive to the plants belonging to the family Ericaceae such as for example: Azaleas, blueberries, among others.

Electrostatic - Bumblebee Stealing The Flower Nectar Plants

Pollen particles adhere to the body bumblebee for two reasons; one for the electrostatic and the other by multiple villi lining body. The pollen adheres to the bodies of the Bumblebees is skillfully brushed by its legs to bring them to his hind legs where his corbiculae are located which are a kind of receptacles located on their rear or hind legs where stored so that it can be transported more easily. Subsequently the Bumblebee takes to the sky to carry pollen and nectar to colmenta and deposit them in pots or honeycomb cells previously created for it. Notably, the nectar of the flowers is very rich in water and sugars, however lacks many minerals and vitamins that if you have made ​​and the precious honey bee sy Bumblebees.

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