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The Flight of the Bumblebee: Violates or does not violate, The Laws of Aerodynamics?

The Flight of the Bumblebee: Violates or does not violate, The Laws of Aerodynamics?, Bumblebee, bumblebee flight violates laws aerodynamics, bumblebee laws, bumblebees, flight bumblebee sound, flight bumblebee violates laws aerodynamics, the flight bumblebee violates laws aerodynamics,
The Flight of the Bumblebee
Violates or Does Not Violate,
The Laws of Aerodynamics?

Wikimedia Commons
Theories of Flight of Bumblebee Le Vol Des Insectes 1934 - The Bumblebee Can not Fly! 

The oldest book known so far in which mention or concluded after a specialized study that bumblebees can not fly is a French book called Le Vol Des Insectes 1934, in which a number of linear equations and aerodynamics which conclude that bumblebees can not fly. 

Reality, The Bumblebee If you can Fly! - (The Flight of the Bumblebee: Violates or does not violate, The Laws of Aerodynamics?)

The question that arises in this regard is: Is this true or false, good to give precise to that statement or conclusion is hard to answer, what we can say is that such equations are mostly correct and that indeed the Bumblebee it could be fly like insect has demonstrated repeatedly.

Flight of the Bumblebee Paradox - (The Flight of the Bumblebee: Violates or does not violate, The Laws of Aerodynamics?)

Then we will wonder about: Why the Bumblebees can fly like actually really do, Well keep in mind that after 1934 years aerodynamics evolved and found a number of other relationships and exceptions to every rule as always, in this case specifically in the case of unusual flight of the bumblebees, we can mention that new studies reveal that the matter was not taken into account all the effects or possible influences on the flight of the bumblebee.

The Flight of the Bumblebee Vortex Defies Gravity Loss of Power Flight Bumblebee - (The Flight of the Bumblebee: Violates or does not violate, The Laws of Aerodynamics?)

For while it is true that linear equations do not allow flying Bumblebee, also the dynamic energy loss between each flapping flight that creates a vortex that exerts upward pressure and thus decrease the weight must take into account Bumblebee facilitating flight despite its small wings compared to the size of its great body, this side effect can be seen flapping in a field with smoke in which you can clearly see the vortex and / or vortices of energy loss dynamics between each flutter. 

The Vortex Vacuum Bumblebee Flapping - (The Flight of the Bumblebee: Violates or does not violate, The Laws of Aerodynamics?)

This vortex creates a kind of vacuum as it decreases the severity and therefore the weight of the Bumblebee; but really not that gravity decreases but the gap is within the vortex flight offers less resistance and thus facilitates the flight of bumblebee.

However and despite many studies on the subject, it is clear that the controversy continues to clarify a fact and myth of the unusual depth sound Bumblebee flight.

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