bumblebee drinking nectar from a flower, Bumblebee Way of Life and Reproductive Cycle, Choice of Place of Residence of the Bumblebee, Haplodipoloidia Fertilization and Artificial Insemination of Bumblebees, Hibernation Bumblebee, Gestation Programmed and Organized Nurseries Bumblebees, The Ability to Manipulate Their Bumblebee Queen Pheromones and Sex of Offspring of Bumblebees, Sex Selection of Bumblebees Allows the Survival of the Species, Nupcional and the Mating Flight of the Bumblebee.   After the winter and a long period of hibernation, in spring they surface the fertilized most famous female Bumblebees as "Bumblebees Queens", which immediately after emerging from hibernation in the spring, starting with great responsibility and urgency to build instinctively his nest, for which seek the most appropriate for the construction of the same place, find a place you like and use is no easy task, HOWEVER simientos usually do this in a cave or burrow abandoned a small rodent like a mouse example, but can also choose the former home of another rodent similar Tamna, http://althox.blogspot.com/2014/05/Bumblebee-Way-of-Life-and-Reproductive-Cycle.html
Drinking Nectar
From a Flower

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Bumblebee: drinking nectar from a flower, hibernation, place of residence, fertilization haplodiploidia, gestation, nurseries, pheromones, sex selection, mating flitgh.

Hibernation Bumblebee - Bumblebee: Way Of Life And Reproductive Cycle

After the winter and a long period of hibernation, in spring they surface the fertilized most famous female Bumblebees as "Bumblebees Queens", which immediately after emerging from hibernation in the spring, starting with great responsibility and urgency to build instinctively his nest, for which seek the most appropriate for the construction of the same place, find a place you like and use is no easy task, However simientos usually do this in a cave or burrow abandoned a small rodent like a mouse example, but can also choose the former home of another rodent similar Tamna.

Choice of Place of Residence of the Bumblebee - Bumblebee: Way Of Life And Reproductive Cycle

Once the Bumblebee Queen found the place she thinks proper, begins immediately to build cribs its future offspring, that are nothing but a mass of clay and wax which construct cells or small pots in which to deposit eggs not only its future offspring but also used for storing such containers pollen and floral nectar.

Haplodipoloidia Fertilization and Artificial Insemination of Bumblebees - Bumblebee: Way Of Life And Reproductive Cycle

In spring the "Bumblebee females" who have been inseminated naturally "Bumblebees males" begin the cycle of gestation the ovaries, where the eggs slide down the oviduct, which is a conduit that opens into the vagina activated. In the vagina of female Bumblebee content in a specialized socket called spermatheca, semen or sperm that is received from Bumblebee male during copulation or mating act before winter, once the semen or sperm is mixed with eggs or eggs, then some of the eggs are fertilized and unfortunately some do not like any process of natural selection. 

They thus resulting fertilized eggs to females Bumblebees and those not fertilized or unfertilized eggs give rise to males Bumblebees, this type of reproduction and fertilization is specifically what is known as "fertilization haplodiploidy" typical of insects Hymenoptera.

Gestation Programmed and Organized Nurseries Bumblebees - Bumblebee: Way Of Life And Reproductive Cycle

In the face of gestation, the female bumblebee is dedicated exclusively to care for their offspring, born or made ​​until the first appearance Bumblebee Worker, commonly known as working or Bee Worker. 

Genetically Bees this of course includes the Bumblebees, are designed for the Bee sy Bumblebees Queen engaged to lay eggs for the rest of his life and in turn the obreraras and in this case specifically the Workers Bumblebees are responsible for addressing the Queen Bumblebee; care for the eggs to be future offspring; build new cells for these eggs; feed these larvae or fry; care of the Queen and ensure their integrity; repair the nest when necessary, in addition to the adjustments over time are required by the hive.

The Ability to Manipulate Their Bumblebee Queen Pheromones and Sex of Offspring of Bumblebees - Bumblebee: Way Of Life And Reproductive Cycle

The Queen Bee, chafer has the ability to produce and release pheromones that block the ability of growth hormone and ovarian sexual maturation of some larvae; so it is easier to remain as Queen of the Hive. Therefore the female Bumblebees are intended to be workers infertile or fertile, but over time the Queen stops laying eggs and can not release more pheromones that block the reproductive capacity of the Workers, then the ovaries of these begin to produce eggs but not being fertilized offspring will be male bumblebees.

Sex Selection of Bumblebees Allows the Survival of the Species - Bumblebee: Way Of Life And Reproductive Cycle

Naturally and instinctively Queen tries to destroy their new eggs obrearas but some of them are saved because it is impossible to destroy as many eggs, newly hatched those eggs will turn into Bumblebee Adult males and some of them will mate successfully with new Bumblebee Queens, continuing the life and reproductive cycle, ensuring the conservation of the species.

Nupcional and the Mating Flight of the Bumblebee - Bumblebee: Way Of Life And Reproductive Cycle

At the end of the summer and start the fall, the reproductive capacity of many new workers Bumblebee until then will be in full swing; and some of them are fertile female Bumblebees so immediately become Bumblebees female Queen, the new Queen of the Colony or the new ones built. 

Courtship mating take I just between male Bumblebees and female bumblebees Queen for a special flight, known as nuptial flight and mating. After this air courtship mating, the former Queen Bumblebee by then very old die, the same fate awaits workers and males; the only that sobervirán be the new Bumblebee Queen, which instinctively and naturally supercharge to increase their fat reserves and then look for a place to spend the winter season, after which seek the right place where they contruirán nests and grow the colony, thus repeating again the vital and reproductive cycle of the Bumblebee.

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