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Madrid, July 14 .- He has performed in Spain, an innovative job portal which can make job interviews with recruiters over video chat. It will be possible thanks to an innovative technology platform to facilitate the registration and selection process, making it more efficient response times.

With an initial investment of more than 500 000 euros in technological infrastructure, the portal has been launched simultaneously in Spain, Argentina, Mexico and Chile. During its first three years of life is expected to reach over one million users and around 150 000 visits per day.

"Spain is a market with great potential, 67.7% of the population uses the Internet, representing some 27 million Spanish, according to the National Observatory for Telecommunication and Information Society (ONTSI), but the sector has an annual growth rate of 3%. This means that each year in the country are added 1.5 million new Internet users. Therefore, hopes to achieve during their first year of life in Spain more than 60 000 registered " Andrew said Talgham creator and CEO portal.

Note that in Spain the percentage of surfers who search for employment on the Internet is at 80%. For their part, companies increasingly focus more on their talent searches through Web platforms. At present almost 30% of companies use this route, mainly because of its effectiveness: it is a hit close to 66%. user can work via online interviews, pre-face interviews usually take place in the selection process, which increases the chances of being elected to the position applied for.

Talgham Andrés, an expert businessman bunch of information technology and Internet site creators, said: " well as useful to have tools such as video chat, it also allows to include a video presentation to support the candidate's resume and help you get a better position to offer that is interested. "

Another novelty of the site is its search engine, unique in its class that offers a 100% effective and does not generate "false positive": the employer know the curricula consultation are active users who are interested in job and the candidates know that job seeking is in effect.

"This Web use is oriented from the worker to the company, the worker decides who sees it, who they can contact and what information they see on it. The user will decide if the offer is interesting or not, obtaining Thus total privacy of data and high profitability of the service. We firmly believe that the user will see as a new tool to control the course of their working lives, "said Andrew Talgham.

The user must pay an annual fee of EUR 35 subscription gives the right to have access to all services available on the Web as interviews by chat and video chat, upload your video presentation and photographs and diplomas. Access also offers options ranging from 1 month to 12 months.


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