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Humanoid robots are not science fiction are a Reality, Humanoid robots are prepared to disembark at fairs and hospitals, Humanoid robots are prepared to disembark at fairs and hospitals, These features make Reem, explains the CEO of Pal Robotics,For now, Reem is a prototype, but Pal Robotics wants to start producing industrially for commercial sale later this year and already has a dozen orders of fairs and congresses UAE, reduce the problems with which the robot can be found when many people in their environment and address him, Pal Robotics is a company specialized in research and development of humanoid robots which employs a dozen engineers from more than a dozen nationalities. -

Humanoid robots

are prepared to 

disembark at 

fairs and hospitals

Barcelona, ​​19 ago (EFE).

Humanoid robots are prepared to disembark at fairs and hospitals

Barcelona, ​​19 ago (EFE) .- They have the smile of a hostess, but little by little, humanoid robots like Reem, a prototype developed by the Catalan company Pal Robotics, are common at fairs, conferences, airports, malls and even in hospitals, where they will support and information service.

With its 1.66 meters tall and 90 kilos, Reem H resembles the impertinent 3CPO the saga of Star Wars, but instead of legs to move through a stable platform moving at a speed of up to 5km / h-and its mission is also similar to those devised by the wit was George Lucas, a "droid" protocol designed to perform basic services for humans.

Equipped with two articulated arms and motorized, Reem has a touch screen on the torso where you select one of the more than 30 languages ​​in which the user is directed, which can be handled thanks to its custom detection and recognition faces.

It has stereo vision, microphones and sensors that allow it to move independently, without wires or human action in a covered enclosure which is capable of creating a map, locate and navigate without getting lost.

These features make Reem, explains the CEO of Pal Robotics, Francesco Ferro-an effective point of dynamic information that can be used in large areas to serve customers and accompany them to a display.
This robot butler in the back of a small platform on which baggage can be placed up to thirty kilos, and can also carry a tray with your arms.

For now, Reem is a prototype, but Pal Robotics wants to start producing industrially for commercial sale later this year and already has a dozen orders of fairs and congresses UAE.

"We recognize, greets you, answer and takes into account the things you have wondered in the past to give more accurate answers," says Ferro, who says, jokingly, that the flight attendants of the congress have to fear for their jobs , "and they offer treatment and care more human than the robot can not give."

Pal Robotics is a company specialized in research and development of humanoid robots which employs a dozen engineers from more than a dozen nationalities (including Spanish, English, Germans and Mexicans) who have developed several prototypes, some of them jointed legs (his brothers Reem Reem A and B).

All prototypes have been assembled in the workshop of Poble Nou in Barcelona, ​​but now the company is building an assembly plant in Abu Dhabi (UAE).

The company engineers are working to introduce an effective voice recognition to their units and also investigated to reduce the problems with which the robot can be found when many people in their environment and address him.

However, Reem has been shown to act as a guide and assistant to several people at once, and has been tested for other uses storytelling to children's Hospital Sant Joan de Deu of Barcelona.

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