The new Form Digital Cards Virtual collector current



The new Form Digital Cards Actual Virtual Collectibles, THAT TREMBLE COLLECTING PURISTS CHROME COMES DIGITAL, Games Totfan The company has created virtual albums that not only satisfies the desire of the collector, the album is virtual, relationship makes the virtual album in a social game, Totfan Games has also thought of the "digital immigrants" -

The new Form

Digital Cards

Actual Virtual


Barcelona, ​​17 ago (EFE)
Barcelona, ​​17 ago (EFE) .- Many cry anathema!, But digital is fighting a losing battle and the stale collections of stickers would not be left behind. Games Totfan The company has created virtual albums that not only satisfies the desire of the collector, will serve to make friends through social networking.

The idea, which aims to bring to market next fall, is intended primarily for the digital natives, ie children and adolescents are handled smoothly with new technologies and smart phones and those touching the chrome paper do not generate the same feelings as their parents or older siblings.

Here, the album is virtual. After registering on Facebook or Twitter will power the collector in the top ten free digital trading cards.

If one attaches himself every time he enters the collection site for free you will get another, but to take over the whole (there will be an exclusive rate) should make micropayments via sms (1.40 euros to be around $ -2 -) to buy packs of ten trading cards at random, as the traditional envelopes that had to tear to view its contents.

Otherwise, told Efe Jaume Teixi cofounder Totfan, "everything is equal", the sticker can be repeated to change (or give away as third) with other collectors who are sent an offer "on line" with the demand numbers that are offered and what to change, which may be rejected or counter.

This relationship makes the virtual album in a social game, which will allow a community to connect people with similar interests: football, music, TV shows, celebrities, entertainment ...

Teixi Raquel Iglesias and his partner, with whom he founded the company a year ago, based in the incubator of Barcelona Activa, have already reached a preliminary agreement with a team from the first division of Spanish football, which does not give the name - to bring together the first collection.

They are also negotiating with several broadcasters, artists and bands to create other series.

"We call Totfan precisely because the idea is to make collecting for fans," explained the project managers.

Totfan Games has also thought of the "digital immigrants", those who like to have the physical album. Once "stuck" the last virtual chrome, the collector can print them all on paper and have it in his hands at an additional cost. If not, can be formed with the PDF.

At the moment the web platform and Iphone works and are developing mobile applications for Android and iPhone.

These entrepreneurs are about to complete its first round of funding, including private and public capital, will be around half a million euros.

If these digital collections are successful, the image of a child with a stack of stickers to change and a paper with a list of numbers that may be missing about to go down in history.

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