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Definición del Ábaco Binario o de Base 2 El Ábaco Binario de Base 2 se utiliza para explicar cómo los ordenadores manipulan internamente los números. Este tipo de ábaco muestra la cantidad de números, letras y signos que se pueden almacenar en un sistema binario dentro de una computadora, a través del estándar ASCII. El dispositivo consiste en una serie de cuentas en alambres paralelos dispuestos en tres filas distintas. Las cuentas representan un cambio en el equipo ya sea en un "on-encendido" o en un "off-apagado". El sistema binario es fundamental en el mundo de la informática ya que es la base sobre la cual funcionan los ordenadores y otros dispositivos digitales. Se basa únicamente en dos cifras: 0 y 1, que representan los dos estados posibles de los circuitos electrónicos, apagado y encendido, respectivamente. Esto permite a las computadoras realizar operaciones complejas utilizando combinaciones de estos dos números. Historia del Ábaco Ábaco binario mostrand...

Ábaco y Tipos de Ábaco - Escuela del Ábaco

Historia de la Escuela del Ábaco Desde la antiguedad en el planeta, todo tipo de Ábacos han sido parte de la enseñanza básica, especialmente en centros de estudios prescolares y en Jardines Infantiles. Cómo ayuda y soporte esencial de los educadores tradicionales y con mayor fuerza y dependencia para los educadores de niños especiales o con deficiencias cognitivas.  Definición de la Escuela del Ábaco Así pues la Escuela del Ábaco, se podría decir que la componen el conjunto de Ábacos en general y su evolución através de la historia. Por lo anterior es obvio que la Escuela del Ábaco, hace parte integral del aprendizaje y comprensión de cálculos matemáticos, en diferentes partes del mundo. Oriente, Asia; y la Escuela del Ábaco En los países occidentales, un marco de cuentas similar al Ábaco Ruso , pero con alambres rectos y un marco vertical ha sido común. Todavía es a menudo visto como un juguete de plástico o de madera. Usos de la Escuela del Ábaco "E...

Tipos de Ábacos - Ábaco Nativo Americano

Historia del Ábaco Nativo Americano o Nepohualtzintzin Algunas fuentes históricas; mencionan el uso o la implementación de un Ábaco denominado: Ábaco Nepohualtzintzin de la antigua y ancestral Culutra Maya. Este Ábaco Mesoamericano, se caracteriza por usar una base de dígitos 5-20 del sistema. La palabra Nepohualtzintzin se deriva a su vez del náhuatl y está a su vez está formada por las raíces; (Ne - personal) y; (pohual o pohualli - la cuenta), y (Tzintzin: Pequeños elementos similares o parecidos). Su definición completa sería algo así como: Contar pequeños elementos similares por alguien. Su uso se enseñaba en las "Kalmekak" a la "temalpouhkeh", que eran estudiantes que se dedidicaban a tomar las cuentas de los cielos, desde muy pequeños en su primera infancia. Por desgracia y desafortunadamente, la Nepohualtzintzin y su enseñanza se hayaban entre las víctimas de la destrucción de conquista, cuando a un supuesto origen diabólico se le atribuyeron propi...

Ábaco y Tipos de Ábaco - Ábaco Coreano

Historia del Ábaco Coreano - Tschu Pan El Ábaco Coreano, también es conocido como: Tschu Pan. Según los historiadores recientes, se cree que el Ábaco Chino, en algún momento de su apogeo en Oriente, fue introducido a Corea aproximadamente en el año 1400 A.C. A diferencia del Ábaco Japonés que es llamado Ábaco Suanpan en Oriente especialmente en Japón. Mientrastanto en Corea, el Ábaco es conocido con el nombre de Ábaco Jupan (주판), Ábaco Supan (수판) o Ábaco Jusan (주산).

Tipos de Ábacos - Ábaco Japones ó Ábaco Soroban Japonés

ACERCA DEL ÁBACO SOROBAN JAPONÉS Historia del Ábaco Soroban Japonés En Japón es más conocido como Soroban Japonés y en Occidente como Ábaco Japonés (算盘,そろばん. "Incia con una bandeja de conteo"), El Ábaco Japonés no es originario de Japón sino de China, imperio del cual fue llevado a Japón aproximadamente hacia el año 1600.    El 4to. Ábaco nació hacia el año de 1930 , a pesar del avance de la tecnología, aún hoy en día se enseñan cálculos matemáticos en algunas escuelas japonesas, utilizando la herramienta del Ábaco Japonés o Ábaco Soroban Japonés . Cultura y Tradición Obviamente, Japón es un país pionero en herramientas tecnológicas como computadores y calculadoras de todo tipo, sin embargo al mismo tiempo se caracteriza su cultura por ser muy tradicionalista y conservadora de sus costumbres ancestrales; es muy probable que por ello se siga utilizando el tradicional Ábaco Japonés o Ábaco Soroban Japonés en la actualidad.

Tipos de Ábacos - El Ábaco de la India

Historia del Ábaco de la India Según fuentes históricas, como el Abhidharmakosa, describe el conocimiento y uso del Ábaco en la India. Aproximadamente en el siglo V, empleados de diferentes Industrias de la India, ingeniaron nuevas formas o posibilidades de registrar o plasmar el contenido de la Abacus "Ábaco". Textos hindúes utilizan el término shunya (cero) para indicar la columna vacía del Ábaco de la India. Emblema Nacional y el Ábaco de la India El 26 de enero de 1950, la República de la India; adopta el emblema nacional, denominado o conocido como: Satyameva Jayate "La verdad sola triunfa", el cual dentro de sus múltiples figuras y simbolismos, contempla un Ábaco Circular. El Desarrollo Cognitivo y el Ábaco en la India En la actualidad, el Ábaco en la India, se utiliza para desarrollar las habilidades cognitivas y de aprendizaje de los niños en las escuelas, además de forzar a manera de juegos didácticos sus capacidades organizativas, psicomo...

Tipos de Ábacos - Ábaco Chino

Historia del Ábaco Chino El suànpán 算盘, más conocido en Occidente como Ábaco Chino. Posee cuentas esféricas o circulares, construido en una especie de madera muy rígida típica de oriente. Dichas esferas o cuentas, se mueven de abajo hacia arriba las cuales se encuentran en una viga o mástil ya sea metálico o de madera, para facilitar su comodidad y uso al hacer cálculos matemáticos, objeto de dicha herramienta. Cuando dichas esferas o cuentas son movidas cerca de la viga se cuenta su valor aumenta el mismo, por el contrario si son movidas hacia abajo o alejándolas de la viga, entonces no se cuenta ningún valor. Evolución y Características del Ábaco Chino El Ábaco Chino o Suanpan tiene la característica de reset o reinicio primitivo, cualidad muy avanzada para la época; o desarrollo ya evolucionado de esta herramienta al permitir al usuario con un solo golpe o movimiento en el eje central de la barra horizontal; volver todas las cuentas o esferas a su posición inicial,...

Tipos de Ábacos - Ábaco Griego

Historia del Ábaco Griego Según historiadores versados en la materia y pruebas iniciales presentadas por los mismos existen razones para creer que el Ábaco griego, hizo su aparición en el siglo V A.C. (antes de Cristo). El ábaco griego era una tabla de madera o de mármol, la cual tenía pequeñas cuentas o esferas de madera y mármol para así pues poder efectuar los cálculos matemáticos necesarios ó requeridos. Se especula que el Ábaco Griego fue usado también por los aqueménidas de Persia, la Civilización Romana, la antigua civilización etrusca, por los Franceses durante la Revolución Francesa y más recientemente por el cristianismo en occidente. Dimensiones Ábaco Griego Una placa o tabla encontrada en Salamina en el año 1846 D.C., una isla griega; la cual data de una fecha posterior a 300 A.C., convirtiéndose en la prueba de un presunto ábaco más antiguo hasta el momento descubierto. Dicha tabla o pieza de mármol puro o blanco; ó Ábaco Griego, al momento de su descubri...


Bumblebee Bumblebee: Definition Bumblebee: Biological Anatomy Bumblebee: Way of Life and Reproductive Cycle Bumblebee: Beehives and Nests Bumblebee: Food or forage and the attainment of Self Bumblebee: Speed ​​attained in Flight Bumblebee : T heft at Floral Nectar Plants Bumblebee: "Cuckoo Bumblebee" Behavior and Morphology Bumblebee: Biological Taxonomy - Organization or Hierarchical Classification Bumblebee: Habitat Bumblebee: Geographic Distribution along the Globe Bumblebee: Important Economic Engine for Agriculture Bumblebee: Direct influence on Agriculture, to be used as a massive commercial pollinator Bumblebee: State Environment Protection and Preservation Bumblebee: The Flight of the Bumblebee: Viola or the Laws of Aerodynamics?

The Flight of the Bumblebee: Violates or does not violate, The Laws of Aerodynamics?

The Flight of the Bumblebee Violates or Does Not Violate, The Laws of Aerodynamics? Source Wikimedia Commons Theories of Flight of Bumblebee Le Vol Des Insectes 1934 - The Bumblebee Can not Fly!  The oldest book known so far in which mention or concluded after a specialized study that bumblebees can not fly is a French book called Le Vol Des Insectes 1934, in which a number of linear equations and aerodynamics which conclude that bumblebees can not fly.  Reality, The Bumblebee If you can Fly! - (The Flight of the Bumblebee: Violates or does not violate, The Laws of Aerodynamics?) The question that arises in this regard is: Is this true or false, good to give precise to that statement or conclusion is hard to answer, what we can say is that such equations are mostly correct and that indeed the Bumblebee it could be fly like insect has demonstrated repeatedly. Flight of the Bumblebee Paradox - (The Flight of the Bumblebee: Violates or does not violat...

The Bumblebee Ecological Protection and Preservation State

Bumblebees are Among Some Parasitic Specie Source Wikimedia Commons Unfortunately there are some "bumblebee" between parasite species and therefore are not productive in pollination processes for farmers. So it is not uncommon for employers of agricultural and agribusiness, large- cale use of pesticides in order to reduce or extinguish the population mass of these parasitic species of bumblebees, however and yet so far but with a purpose to protect their crops, often drastically alter the populations of bumblebees parasites and even pollinators, gaping a remarkable ecological imbalance then began to decline and even certain plant species disappear due to indiscriminate use of pesticides.  Bumblebee Asocciation - The Bumblebee Ecological Protection and Preservation State That is why in the UK the association was founded: "Bumblebee Conservation Trust", whose main objective is to protect and encourage the conservation of all species of bumblebees esp...

The Bumblebee and Its Direct Influence on Agriculture, To Be Used as Mass Commercial Pollinator

Bumblebee is Often Used as a Mass Pollination in Commercial Agriculture and Industrialized Source Wikimedia Commons Bumblebee Is Often Used As A Mass Pollination In Commercial Agriculture And Industrialized One of the salient features of the Bumblebees is that they are specialized and effective pollinators because they are the best pollinators flower Alfalfa by elemplo. Alfalfa, Bumblebee; and New Zealadn - The Bumblebee and Its Direct Influence on Agriculture, To Be Used as Mass Commercial Pollinator However in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, New Zealand mattered Alfalfa because the plant was not a natural pollinator to perpetuate the species and therefore these crops Alfalfa were condemned reproductive failure, it was then that I decided New Zealand import four varieties of bumblebees that did not exist in New Zealand at that time. The decision could not be better, for four years after New Zealand did not need to import more Alfafa, as...

Bumblebee Important Economic Engine for Agriculture

Kind of Little Bumblebee Pollinating a Flower Source Wikimedia Commons Why Bumblebees Are Important Economic Drivers In Regions With Extreme Climates - (Bumblebee Important Economic Engine for Agriculture) Bumblebees as bees are excellent pollinators of flowers, however, the huge advantage that the bumblebees on Bees is that physiologically to be better prepared to withstand the cold, can therefore more easily pollinate plants cold climates and may even pollinate flowers and plants from extreme cold climates where bees relatives by low temperatures usually fail. Task of Pollinnation  - (Bumblebee Important Economic Engine for Agriculture) Moreover Bumblebees unlike their relatives the bees begin their task of pollination not only early in the morning, but also do a season earlier than bees. Thus it is not surprising that farmers care for and protect in order to use them for effective pollination of crops, plants and flowers, especially in difficu...

Bumblebee: Geographic Distribution Along The Globe

Bumblebee Villi Adaptation Genetics Extreme Cold Source Wikimedia Commons Bumblebees Are Well Suited To Any Climate, However They Are Found In Greater Number In Temperate Or Warm Subtropical Climates Although Bumblebees, are distributed throughout the planet, they are found in greater quantity and agglomeration in temperate and subtropical climates.  However found Bumblebees, also in northern circumpolar regions or because the Bumblebees of all species and genera, are physiologically well adapted to cold. Biological Mechanisms That Facilitate the Bumblebee Suit Any Climate - Bumblebee: Geographic Distribution Along The Globe It is obvious that the abundant hairs that cover the body of the bumblebee, enables it to withstand extreme cold more easily. In addition to other mechanisms that allow it to generate heat as severely shivering to generate heat, or cause greater hemolymph go in your belly to keep raising or lowering their body temperature ...

Bumblebee Habitat

Bumblebees Are Capable Of Raising Their Body Temperaturein Different Ways Source Wikimedia Commons Bumblebees Are A Species Very Well Adapted To Cold - Bumblebee Habitat Bumblebees are a species well adapted to both cold and heat, unlike their relatives the Bees which can be adapted very well in warm or temperate but not cold weather, this is due to their anatomy as the Bumblebees are coated a thick layer of fine hair that serves as a thermal insulator protecting them from extreme heat and cold, therefore they can be found in different parts of the globe. Bumblebees are Capable of Raising Their Body Temperature in Different Ways  - Bumblebee Habitat Bumblebees possess the ability to generate heat shivering this feature become quite important in other cold Combart quality. Besides the Bumblebees have the ability to move more emolymph by your waist line and chest when so required, ie his circulatory system can increase circulation in these parts in order to increas...


Bumblebee Biological Taxonomy Organization or Hierarchical Classfication Source Wikimedia Commons The Bumblebees Are Classified Into 15 Different Generes And In Turn These Genres More Than 250 Different Species Belong Currently the  Cuckoo Bumblebees  belong to the subgenus Psithyrus and belong to the Genus Bombus turn, but were previously classifed in other genres.  But several recent taxonomic studies, supporting its classification within the genus Bombus.

Cuckoo Bumblebee Behavior And Morphology

Cuckoo Bumblebee Bombus Vestalis On Clover Source Wikimedia Commons The Typical Morphology Of The Cuckoo Bumblebee And His Peculiar Behavior Unlike Bee s the Cuckoo Bumblebee hives or nests not constructs nor numerous ways congregations or colonies, some of them are insects gregarious or sociable, very rare quality in Bee and Bumblebees, note that the Bumblebee purely solitary or asocial subgenus is Psithyrus. False Queen - Cuckoo Bumblebee Behavior And Morphology Queen of the Bumblebees is considered as a false queen usurps the place of the queen from another colony or hive, which invades and subjugates to put at your service.  The female bumblebee fertilized is able to secrete very strong pheromones that can detect bees hive, then it is false queen kills the queen bee royal and supplants the bee s not detect the change as is false queen is able to secrete pheromones which are chemical messages submission for their new workers which abide by the orders o...

Bumblebee Stealing The Flower Nectar Plants

Stealing a Bumblebee Nectar From a Flower You can see that Pollination is not Always Effective Source Wikimedia Commons The Relationship Between The Bumblebee And Flower Plants; Is Not Always Symbiotic However not always the relationship between flowering plants and bumblebees is symbiotic because sometimes some Bumblebees often steal nectar without pollinating the flower, as biting or punching the seat or base of the corolla of the flower, into which the liquid is known as desired nectar. However it should be noted that generally Bumblebees are excellent pollinators but only while they are a large number of species of flowering plants. The bee s no honey bees and pollinators are also buzzing. This dude Bumblebees extracted pollen not dehiscent plants, ie plants that do not publicly expose their seeds Through his anthers so the Bumblebee with its ringing vibrate the flower in order to extract their anthers the prized and valuable pollen these much needed. The buzz is self...

Bumblebee: Speed Attained In Flight

Bumblebee Drinking Nectar from Flowers in Flight Source Wikimedia Commons Bumblebee Flight Aerodynamic Mystery - ( Bumblebee: Speed Attained In Flight) Absolutely a Bumblebee in flight can reach healthy: A speed of 54 km / hour, really a very high speed for their size and shape have little aerodynamics, defying not only the laws of aviation and aerodynamics but also proving to be efficient, robust and flying fast.  Bumblebee Can Drink Nectar From Flowers in Flight  - ( Bumblebee: Speed Attained In Flight) The Bumblebees also like their relatives the Bees are designed to extract nectar from flowers with its long melitophylics cylindrical language called also gloss.

Bumblebee: Food And Fodder And The Attainment Of Self

Bumblebee Feedingon Nectar from a Flower and Pollinating Source Wikimedia Commons Bumblebees Are Melitophilics, Feed On Flower Nectar While Pollinating, Symbiotic Relationship  - (Bumblebee: Food And Fodder And The Attainment Of Self) Bumblebees like their relatives the Bees melitophílics eat plants (plants that produce honey and attract insects such as Hymenoptera Bees for the ponilicen while feeding), this is a very productive symbiotic relationship between plants and Bumblebees melitophílics, as obtained Bumblebees delicious and precious nectar from flowers to prepare their precious honey while carrying pollen on their legs which not only feed their young but accidentally leave pollinating other flowers of this way and thus completing the reproductive cycle of flowering plants melitophílics. Bumblebee, Bees Superflying - (Bumblebee: Food And Fodder And The Attainment Of Self) The Super flying bees. Bumblebees like their relatives the Bees really consider it a ...

Bumblebee Nests And Hives

Hive Colony or Nest Bumblebee s   Workers Source Wikimedia Commons Characteristics of Nests or Hives of Bumblebee s One of the most distinctive characteristics or differential between nests or hives of  Bumblebee s  and nests or hives of bee Mielíferas s is its size; because the nests or hives of  Bumblebee s  are significantly smaller than the nests or hives Bee Mielíferas s (the latter nests or hives of bee Mielíferas s can reach truly massive sizes). The Short Life of  Bumblebee s  and Large Organization Within the Colony to Optimize Their Survival  Usually the Queen of  Bumblebee s  only live a year in most species of this genus; them begin to build their new hive and lay eggs that will be the new colony in the spring. A colony of  Bumblebee s  usually has a number less than 50 workers generally; however have colonic finding more than 400 members, particularly in warm areas.  Bumblebee ...