Abacus Types - Roman Abacus

Abacus Types Roman Abacus, Copper Count Table Roman, Types of abacuses Roman Abacus, Hypothesis on Alternative Uses of the spheres or balls Slot Counting Abacus Lower Roman, Types Abacus, Roman Abacus, SYMBOLS AND ROMAN ABACUS USAGE,  HYPOTHESIS ON ALTERNATIVE USES OF THE SPHERES OR BALLS SLOT COUNTING ABACUS LOWER ROMAN, REPRESENTED HOW ZERO AND NEGATIVE NUMBERS IN THE ROMAN ABACUS?, http://althox.blogspot.com/2013/10/abacus-types-roman-abacus.html
Copper Count
Table Roman
Types of Abacus
Abacus Roman

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Wikimedia Commons
In the picture you can see a reconstruction or a copy of Roman Abacus, made ​​by the German Museum in Mainz RGZ, better known as Museum Mainz in 1977. The Original Roman Abacus, made ​​of bronze and is in the National Library of France in Paris. 

The ancient Romans developed an abacus in its completely portable base 10, much like its predecessor, the base 10 Babylonian abacus . It was the first portable calculating device for engineers, merchants and presumably tax collectors. The Romans designed with the aim of reducing the time required to perform basic arithmetic operations, using of course, Roman numerals. 

As Karl Menninger says on page 315 of his book, "For long and complicated calculations, for example to survey or census of the landlords and their possessions, used in addition to hand abacus, a true calculation with unit counters or pebbles. Cameo Abacus, Etruscan and Greek predecessors, such as the abacus or Salamis Tablet Vase of Salamis and Darius or Darius vase, all give us a good idea of what they should have been, the true Roman counting board. 

Yet the language or oral tradition has become the most reliable guardian and conservator the culture of the past, reaching in this way the knowledge of the history of our time once more. Above all, it has preserved the fact counting units as faithfully as we can discern more clearly the information, which if you owned one Real bead board. thing the Greeks called Psephoi, the Romans called the Latin word calculations. Calx means "rock" or "stone of gravel", the calculations are both small stones (used as counters). 

"Both the Roman abacus, abacus Suanpan as Chinese, have been used since antiquity. With a grain, heel or face up and four grains, beads or spheres under the bar, the Roman abacus systematic configuration matches the configuration Soroban Abacus modern Japanese, although the Japanese Soroban Abacus Abacus derives Suanpan historically Chinese.

How Was Roman Abacus - Abacus Types; Roman Abacus

The Roman abacus hand shown below is a reconstruction; contains seven long and seven short furrows used to count numbers, the first is to four in each, and the last has just one. The two rows to the right were for calculating fractional. The abacus is made ​​of a metal plate where the big ran in grooves. The size was such that it could fit in a modern shirt pocket.

Types Abacus Abacus - Roman abacus, abacus Hand Diagram Roman Museum of Science in London - http://althox.blogspot.com/2013/10/abacus-types-roman-abacus.html
The diagram is based on
Á hand tobacco Roman

Science Museum in London
The groove below labeled E indicates units, X tens, and so on up to millions. The big five units denote upper grooves, furrows shorter five tenths and so on, essentially of a decimal positional number system coded biquinari, "value system".

The top slots containing a single bead, while the lower slots contained four beads, the only exceptions being the two right columns, column 2 and column marked Ө 3 with three symbols on the side of a single slot or next to three separate slots with Ɛ, 3 or S or a symbol such as the pound sign without the horizontal bar at the side of the top slot, one C backwards off the central slot and a symbol 2 next to the groove shorter depending on the abacus and the source example that could be Friedlein, Menninger or Ifrah. The last two slots are for mixed base mathematics, a unique development of Roman Hand Abacus , described in the following sections.

The longer slot with five counts below Ө position allowed for counting of 1/12 of a whole unit, called a Uncia (And word derived the English words inch and ounce), making the Abacus useful not only to quantify Roman and Roman coin measures. The first column was either a single slot with 4 beads, spheres or three slots one and two bead up and down, respectively. In either case, three symbols included beside the single-slot version or a symbol per slot three slot version. many measures were added by twelfths. Thus the Roman pound ('pound'), consisted of 12 ounces (unciae) (1 uncia = 28 grams). A measurement volume congius, consisted of 12 heminae (1 hemin = 0.273 liters). The Roman foot (fish), was 12 inches (unciae) (1 uncia = 2.43 cm). The actus, the length of the plow furrow series was 120 pedestal.There were however other commonly used measures - for example, had two heminae sextarius. The fact that the main copper coin Roman coin, was also divided into 12 unciaes. Facilitated once again, the use of Abacus for counting coins.

Symbols and Roman Abacus Usage - Abacus Types; Roman Abacus
By: RE Greaves BA - (Open Mathematics)

The first column is available either as a single slot three different symbols, or as three separate slots for 1 & 2 pearls, beads or counters, respectively, and a different symbol for each slot. 

Chances are that the slot or slots on the far right is used to enumerate fractions of an uncia and you were listed from top to bottom, 1/2 s, 1/4 s, and 1/12 a uncia s. The top character in this slot (or the first in the right column is three separate slots) is the character who most resembles the one used to denote a semuncia or 1/24. Semuncia name denotes uncia through a 1/24 of the base unit, the measurement. Similarly, the next character is used to indicate unsicilicus or 1/48 of a measure, which is 1/4 of a Uncia.These two characters are in Roman fractions table on page 75 of the book by Graham Flegg. Finally, the last character or the bottom character is very similar but not identical to the characters Flegg table to denote 1/144 of a measure, the dimidium sextula, which is the same as saying: 1/12 uncia. 

This is however even more strongly supported by Gottfried Friedlein at the end of the book table that summarizes the use of a wide range of formats for different values ​​of fractions. At the entrance of this table numbered 14 refers back to (Zu) 48, which lists the different symbols for semuncia (1/24), the sicilicus (1/48), the sextula (1/72), the dimidia sextula (1/144) and the scriptulum (1/288). Of primary importance, specifically notes the semuncia formats, and sextula sicilicus as used in Roman Bronze Abacus , "auf dem chernan Abacus". The semuncia is the symbol resembling a capital "S", but also includes the symbol that looks like a number three, with the horizontal line at the top, the set rotated 180 degrees. Are these two symbols in samples of Abacus in museums. The sicilicus symbol found in the Abacus and resembles a large right single quote, which covers the entire height of the line. 

The most important symbol is the sextula, which closely resembles a 2-digit italics. Now, as stated by Friedlein, this symbol indicates the value of 1/72 of a measure. Moreover, in the penultimate sentence of section 32 on page 23 specifies that the two accounts in the lower slot each has a value of 1/72. This would allow the slot represent only 1/72 (ie, 1/6 × 1/12 with a heel) or 1/36 (that is, 2/6 × 1/12 = 1/3 × 1/12 with two pearl or two fields) of an uncia respectively. This contradicts all existing documents many declaring that: Said lower slot was used to count a uncia thirds (ie, 1/3 and 2/3 × 1/12 of a measure. 

Above gives rise to two interpretations opposite on the use and value of said slot; Friedlein and that of many other experts as proposed Menninger Ifrah or third or two thirds of wear parts. Nevertheless, there is a third possibility. 

If this symbol refers the total value of the slot (ie, 1/72), then each of the two counters can only have a value of half of this or 1/144 of measuring, or 1/12 of a uncia. This then suggests that these two counters were made ​​in twelfths, with a count made ​​of an uncia and a uncia thirds. Similarly, for the upper middle and upper symbols for sicilicus semuncia and could also indicate the value of the slot itself same, and since there is only a bead or sphere of counting in each, would be the value of said bead or sphere to have also. This would allow the symbols or characters of these three slots: Represent the value with no other guesses slot. 

There is another argument suggests that: The lower slot twelfths would be represented in thirds instead of one uncia, this explanation is best described in the adjoining image. following diagram supposed to facilitate the process, we are using fractions of an uncia as a unit value equal to one (1). If the accounts in the bottom slot of the column I represent thirds, then the accounts in the three slots for fractions of 1/12 of a uncia can not display all values 1/12 of a uncia to 11/12 of a uncia. Particularly, it would be possible to represent 1/12, 2/12 and 5/12.

Moreover, as would be assumed that this theory or explanation: This arrangement would seem unnecessary values ​​13/12, 14/12 and 17/12 uncia. Even more than is indicated by the author, a mathematics graduate (Open University), it is logically impossible that there is a rational progression arrangements accounts in step with the increasing values ​​of unit twelfths. 

Similarly, is assumed that if each of the beads in the bottom slot to have a value of 1/6 of a Uncia, then there is again an irregular series of securities available to the user, without possible value of 1/12 and a value of strange 13/12 uncia. It is only by using a value of 1/12 for each of the beads in the bottom slot that all values ​​of twelfths of 1/12 to 11/12 uncia, can be represented and ternary logic, binary, binary progression for slots from bottom to top. This argument is best understood in the figure, graphic or image. 

Hypothesis on Alternative Uses of the Spheres or Balls Slot Counting Abacus Lower Roman - Abacus Types; Roman Abacus

Types of abacuses Roman Abacus, Hypothesis on Alternative Uses of the spheres or balls Slot Counting Abacus Lower Roman, Types Abacus, Roman Abacus, SYMBOLS AND ROMAN ABACUS USAGE,  HYPOTHESIS ON ALTERNATIVE USES OF THE SPHERES OR BALLS SLOT COUNTING ABACUS LOWER ROMAN, REPRESENTED HOW ZERO AND NEGATIVE NUMBERS IN THE ROMAN ABACUS?, http://althox.blogspot.com/2013/10/abacus-types-roman-abacus.html
Types of abacuses
Roman Abacus

Photo : Wikimedia Commons 
Arguably the beads or spheres, in this first column could have been used as was originally believed and established, ie as ½, ¼ to ⅓ and ⅔, completely independently of each other. However, this assumption is more difficult to support in the case where this first column is a single slot with three inscribed symbols. To complete the known possibilities, in a found by this author, adapted the first and second columns. There would be nothing special if the manufacturers of these instruments produce output with minor differences, since the large number of variations in modern calculators are a compelling example of this. 

What can be deduced from these abacuses Romans?, maybe that is the proof that the Romans used a device that exhibited a decimal place value system, and constructive knowledge of a null value, represented by a column without grains in a cash position. 

Moreover, the nature of the whole part biquinaria allowed to direct transcription of Roman numerals and letters. No matter what was its actual use, so it can not be denied by the very format of the abacus is that if you have not been tested, these instruments provide very strong arguments in favor of much more easily with practical mathematics known and practiced by the Romans. 

Represented How Zero and Negative Numbers in the Roman Abacus? - Abacus Types; Roman Abacus

when using a counting board or abacus, rows or columns often represent nothing or zero. Since the Romans used Roman numerals to record the results, and of course the Roman numerals were all positive, there was no need for a zero notation character or symbol that rerpresentara. But the Romans knew clearly the concept of zero, this occurs in any position value, row, or column. 

It may also be possible to infer that they were familiar with the concept of a negative number as Roman traders needed to understand and manipulate passive equity and loans against investment.

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