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Other types of aberrations or deviations Social
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Social Deviants
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Primary and Secondary Deviation

Edwin Lemert developed the idea of ​​the deviation or aberration primary and secondary schools as a way of explaining the labeling process. Deviation or aberration general primary is any deviation before the deviation is labeled as such.

Secondary deviation is any action that takes place after the primary deviation as a reaction to the institutional identification of the person as deviant or aberrant.

When an actor commits a crime (primary deviation or aberration), but mild, the institution will bring social sanctions that are set for the actor. However, the punishment does not necessarily stop crime, so the actor could make the deviation or primary aberration same again, so that even the most severe reactions of the institutions. At this point, the actor will begin to resent the institution while the institution brings repression harder and harder.

Finally, stigmatizes the entire community as an actor perverted and the actor can not tolerate this, but ultimately, accepting his role as a criminal and committed criminal acts that fit the role of a criminal.

Diversion or primary and secondary aberration is what makes people become criminals more difficult. Diversion or primary aberration is when the person is labeled deviant through confession or information. Secondary deviation or aberration is the primary aberration before and after the primary deviation. 

Labelling retrospective occurs when the deviation or aberration Desviados recognizes his actions as before the primary deviation, while labeling when the potential is Baffled, recognizes future acts as criminal. The steps to becoming a criminal are:
  • Primary deviation or aberration.
  • Social sanctions.
  • Secondary deviation.
  • More severe penalties.
  • Deviation of resentment and hostility towards punishers.
  • Community Desviados stigmatized as a criminal. Tolerance threshold and Forwarded to Criminal past.
  • Strengthening of deviant conduct because of stigmatizing sanctions.
  • Acceptance as the role of Actor, deviant or criminal.

Control Theory

Control Theory is a theory that emphasizes how weak bonds between the individual and free society people tend to drift. This theory asks why people refrain from criminal or deviant behavior, instead of why people commit deviant or criminal behavior, according to Travis Hirschi. 

The developed control theory, arise when the rules to prevent deviant behavior. Without this "deviant behavior of Control" occurs more frequently habit. This leads to conformity and groups. People will conform to a group when they believe they have more to gain from the agreement that the deviation. If a strong bond is achieved, there is less chance of deviation that if a weak bond has occurred.

Hirschi argued that a person follows the rules because they have a link with society. The link consists of four positively correlated factors: commitment, attachment, belief, and participation. When one of these bonds are weakened or broken one, is more likely to act in his absence. Hirschi, worked with the idea of ​​a general theory of crime with his partner Michael R. Gottfredson. Gottfredson and Hirschi, in 1990 founded his own theory of control. Stated that acts of force and fraud are held in the pursuit of self interest and self-control. An act of transgression is based on a self-crimineb own themselves. Gottfredson and Hirschi's General Theory of Crime

Control the more contemporary theorists such as Michael Jordan, take the theory in a new light, suggesting the labor market experiences that affect not only the attitudes and the "game" of individual workers, but may also affect the development of the views of their children toward conformity and causes participation in crime. This is still a work in progress as it has found a significant relationship between parental involvement, labor market, and delinquency among children, but has not been empirically demonstrated the mediating role of parents or the children's attitude . The investigation will try to show a correlation between the stratification of the labor market and individual behavior (the behavior of minors).

Conflict theory

In sociology, the theory of states in conflict society or organization functions so that each participant and its groups struggle to maximize their benefits, which inevitably contributes to social change, such as political and revolutionary changes.

Deviant behaviors are actions that do not agree with social institutions, such as what causes the deviation. The ability of the institution to change the rules, wealth or state of conflict with the individual. The legal rights of the poor can be ignored, while in some cases the rights of the middle class can be accepted, and they generally seem to favor the elite and not for the poor, thinking it might rise to the top by supporting the Status Quo. The conflict theory is based on the opinion, that the root causes of crime are social and economic forces operating within society. However, this does not explain the white-collar crime, where the individual's basic needs are covered, most of those are other interests that lead the individual to break the law.

This theory also states that the powerful define the crime. This raises the question: who is this functional theory? In this theory, the laws are instruments of oppression: Tough on the weak and less harsh with the powerful.

Karl Marx

Marx himself did not write about deviant behavior, but he wrote about alienation between the proletariat and the proletariat and the finished product - what causes conflict, and therefore Deflected or aberrant behavior.

Many writers have used Marxist theory of capitalist state in its arguments. For example, Steven Spitzer, used the theory of the bourgeoisie over the social control and social dynamite garbage, George Rusche, was known to present an analysis of different sentences correlated with social and infrastructure capacity of the workforce. He theorized that throughout history, when you need more manpower, reduces the severity of penalties and increases tolerance of deviant behavior or aberrations.

Jock Young Another Marxist writer, presented the idea that the modern world did not agree with diversity, but not afraid of social conflict. The late modern world, however, is very tolerant of diversity, but is very fearful of social conflicts, which is an explanation for the movement of political correctness. Modern society of the century, readily accepts the difference, but the labels do not want, as deviant, punishes and also relentlessly pursuing.

Michel Foucault

Michel Foucault, believe that torture had been eliminated in modern society due to the dispersion of power, there was no further need for the wrath of the state in an individual target. By contrast, the modern state is praised for its impartiality and the dispersion of power, instead of controlling each individual, control the masses. Also the theory that the institutions of control of people through the use of discipline.

"Race and ethnicity may be relevant to an understanding of breaking prison rules, if inmates are ecologically structured beliefs, regarding the legal authority of the crime, and deviance in the institutional environment." For example, the modern prison (most specifically the Panopticon) is a model for these institutions, as their internal controls are exercised by the perfect use of the discipline.

Michael Foucault's theory tells us that in a sense, postmodern society is characterized by a lack of willingness on the part of individuals. Knowledge institutions, norms and values, are simply a place to categorize and control humans.

Biological Theories of Deviation

Praveen Attri, calls genetic reasons, largely responsible for social deviance. Moreover, the Italian school of criminology argues that biological factors may contribute to crime and deviance, a position that would support the theory of Praveen Attri, on social deviance. 

Cesare Lombroso was among the first to investigate and develop the theory of biological deviation which states that some people are genetically predisposed to criminal behavior. Believed that criminals were the product of previous genetic forms. The main influence of his research was Charles Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution of species. Cesare Lombroso's theory says that people born criminals or in other words, less evolved than humans were biologically related to our most primitive and animal impulses.

In his research, Cesare Lombroso took into account the theory of Charles Darwin and looked at early times himself in regard to deviant behavior. He found that the skeletons had studied mostly low forehead and protruding jaws. These features resembled the primitive beings as Homo neanderthalensis. He said that little could be done to heal the born criminals, because their characteristics were inherited biologically, in his view.

Over time, most of his research was discredited. His research was refuted by Pearson and Charles Goering. Lombroso found that not enough research has skeletons to do your research more thoroughly and conclusively. When Pearson and Goering, investigated many more skeletons on their own, they tested and found that the bone structure was not relevant in deviant behavior. The Charles Goering statistical study published in this research is called "The English convict."

Other Theories of Behavior, Social aberrations or deviations

The classical school of criminology, comes from the work of Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham. Cesare Beccaria, took a utilitarian view of society with a social contract, called "Theory of the State." He argued that the state's role was to maximize the greatest possible use to the maximum number of people and minimize actions that hurt society. He argued that deviant acts committed diverted (which are detrimental to society) because of the value that gives the private person.

If the State were to coincide with the pain of punishment to the usefulness of various deviant behaviors, the diversion would have no incentive to commit antisocial acts. (Keep in mind that Beccaria advocated the hypothesis that the only punishment, increase the severity of penalties regardless: The logic of utility measurement causing increasingly greater social harm, he said. Once you reach a safe spot.)

Roles of different types of aberrations or social deviance. What goals they seek with the aberrations or social deviants)

Deviant acts or aberrations may be statements of individuality and identity as well as rebellions against group norms.

The deviation or aberration affirms cultural values ​​and norms, as well also clarifies moral boundaries, promotes social cohesion by creating an us / them dichotomy that promotes social change and offers jobs to control social deviation or aberration. "Some personality factors are theoretically and empirically related to workplace deviation or aberration, as well as with the working environment, and individual differences."

Located in the litarature of masculinity and its relationship to sexual deviance, this article examines the masculinity of a male worker and presents the ways in which men are involved in their jobs while handling your basic instinct sex , which generally must be controlled by man but does not always work.

Intercultural Communication as Deviance or Social Aberration

Intercultural communication is a field of study that investigates, how people from different cultural backgrounds interact with one another. All cultures make use of nonverbal communication but its meaning varies according to each culture.

We can also understand as a deviation or aberration Social intercultural communication at the different connotations and meanings that have a single phrase or word in different cultures, so that in a culture is understood as something objective and may have no substantive meaning it can be confusing, aggressive and insulting as well. Therefore we can conclude that a social aberration cultural communication level is subjective and relative to the field of communication in which it develops.

Intercultural Communication and social deviation or aberration, it can also involve many other factors. This is also an important field of study because, as educators and business fields, or any other type of career is to communicate with people from other cultures, and who have a need to understand the different non-verbal cues and meanings, thus avoiding the conversation offensive or misleading and which is essential to have a minimal understanding of the various codes and basic signs of international and intercultural communication.

Below is a list of non-verbal gestures that are appropriate in a country that is considered deviant in another at the same time:

United States
United States
United States
Avoid eye contact is considered polite
Okay, signal express approval
Point the middle finger is used to hitchhike, or approval of something
Anyone can whistle when happy.
Whistling can express their approval, as cheers at a public event.
United States
United States
To greet or talk to someone, it's rude not to look directly at the person.
Okay, this signal means that you are asking for money.
With the middle finger pointing is very offensive. Is used in place of inappropriate language.
It is a rude gesture in Nigeria.
Whistling can be a sign of disapproval at public events and is considered vulgar.

These are just some signs of nonverbal communication between the cultures of which one must be aware. Intercultural communication can make or break a business, or even prevent an offensive to a student teacher. Different cultures have different methods of communication, so it is important to understand the cultures of others.

Shaving the head after the death of a family member is very common in some African cultures. Proponents of the theory: "The South Culture of Honor", argues that: Violent behavior is considered criminal in most of the United States, however it can be seen as a justified response to being insulted in "The Honor Culture the South."

Types of Deviance and Social Aberration

Taboo is a strong social behaviors considered deviant by the majority of people. Called Taboo topics tend to be private so they usually speak in public often generate controversy and be sharply condemned by most cultures, making them decide to compulsorily ordered to keep quiet or peace in the midst of ignorance in large measure and in a way, which can benefit or harm to the masses, according to the particular interests of a few.

All matters or issues which the public about them convicted, and therefore are nearly always completely avoided Taboo topics tend to be considered.

Some forms of taboo are prohibited by law and such violations can lead to severe penalties. Other forms of taboo bring results: The shame, disrespect and humiliation. Some Taboos are not universal, another on the other hand if they are, or are somehow condemned globally and in addition to one form or another are considered Taboo subjects: An example of this is rape, incest, adultery, homesexualidad, transsexuality , murder, theft etc.


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