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Female Bumblebee
"Parent of Bees"
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Apidae family. There are over 250 known Species of bumblebees "Relatives of Bees." The bulk Bumblebees are mainly in the northern hemisphere though are also common in New Zealand and Tasmania.
Bumblebees are purely social insects, these insects are characterized by yellow and black body with large amounts of both yellow and black hairs, often in horizontal bands that are part of their colorful natural design. However, some species have bands of orange or red on their bodies, or may be completely black. Another obvious (but not unique) characteristic is the soft nature of the hair (long, branched in the form of mushrooms), the long hair or hair covers their entire body, making them appear and may feel confused.
The Bumblebees are differentiated mainly by size of Bees, as these are slightly larger than the Bees relatives also on their legs unlike his friends the bees, a kind of bright and naked concave surrounded by hair or hairs that serve to transport the pollen more efficiently and in larger amounts, these cavities are known by the name of Corbicula, relatives Bees do not have this cavity on its hind legs but instead, like bumblebees have hairy legs fully so falicilar pollen adhesion, transport and so complete the cycle of flower pollination, as well as meet their nutritional needs in the hive or nest, as well as their relatives the honey bees, bumblebees feed on nectar from flowers and use the pollen to feed their young in the hive or comb.
Biological Anatomy of the Bumblebees
The Bumblebees have a very long tubular tongue called a proboscis, which consists of various elements or mouthparts of the proboscis Through the bumblebees are able to absorb nectar from flowers which are fed frequently, digestive organ that is not only external complex and very helpful, but is also designed to expand when feeding on flowers where the nectar is difficult abscesses. Also when you quench your thirst for floral nectar, the bumblebee can get their proboscis and against his chin to his chest to facilitate their flight from flower to flower, Through the forest, fields of flowers, and to or from the hive.
The Bumblebees often mix their saliva with the pollen they collect from the flowers they visit. Salivary glands have their chest cavity that helps in the digestive process prior. When this mixture of saliva and regurgitated pollen is eventually dries and hardens strongly, thus making it useful for the construction of hives, nests and repairs within the hive, such as when an intruder enters. Of this mixture are built hexagonal cells containing the valuable honey.
These insects bee. The Bumblebees; have a number of glands on their abdomen that secretes wax as it may seem incredible, which is cleverly used by the bees to build and repair their nests, also the same wax is in turn used by the bees for the construction their nests, making receptacles subsequently stored the valuable, nutritious and appetizing honey, wax also has the same cells also are built well also honey, contain pollen, wax and royal jelly which is a combination of above, all highly nutritious food substances that are supplied to offspring and Bumblebees them.
The Bumblebees have a special circulatory system, known as open circulation system, the in which the organs and internal organelles of the Bumblebee irrigated or coated on all sides, it is as if they were contained in a soup, which is actually blood hemolymph of bumblebees and honeybees, this type of blood: The hemolymph is typical of Arthropods. In the specific case of bumblebees his "heart" is not a "heart" but a pipe that runs along the back or back of the tube bumble bee hemolymph is expelled while it has the ability to push and therefore or circulating it through all the organs of the insect.
"Bumblebees", unlike their close relatives the bees are better adapted to withstand the cold because they have a layer of more dense and long hairs covering their bodies, this feature in his countenance, will not only keeping pace with the temperature changes acting as a potent regulator and thermal insulation, but also also makes it easier for Bumblebees collect greater amounts of pollen from the flowers that the bees relatives.
Like many other Hymenoptera the female bumblebees are those with sting, bumblebees unlike males who have no sting. Another notable difference between males and Bumblebees Bumblebees Bumblebees female female have corbiculae on their feet to facilitate the collection of pollen but the male bumblebees do not have these corbiculae and may therefore not collect the pollen from the male bumblebees flowers, another typical feature of some Hymenoptera.
Lifestyle and Reproductive Cycle of the Bumblebees
After a long winter hibernation period, in the spring come to the surface of fertilized female bumblebees Bumblebees better known as Queens, which immediately after emerging from hibernation in spring, start with great responsibility and urgency to build instinctively nest, for which they seek the most appropriate place for the construction of it, finding a place of pleasure and utility is not easy, HOWEVER seeds often do this in a cave or burrow abandoned to a small rodent like a mouse example, but can also choose the former home of another similar rodent Tamna.
Once the Bumblebee Queen has found the right place she believes, begin immediately to build the cradle of their future offspring that are not nothing but a heap of clay and wax with which to build cells or small pots in which deposited not only the eggs of their future offspring, but also use these containers for the storage of pollen and floral nectar.
In spring, females have been bred bumblebees Bumblebees naturally begin the cycle of pregnancy when activated ovaries, where eggs are sliding down the oviduct, which is a conduit that opens into the vagina. In the vagina of female Bumblebee is contained in a specialized container called spermatheca, semen or sperm was of the Bumblebee male during intercourse or act of mating before winter, once the semen is mixed with the eggs or sperm or eggs at that time some of these eggs are fertilized and unfortunately some do not like any process of natural selection. Resulting fertilized eggs and female bumblebees and those eggs fertilized or unfertilized male bumblebees give rise to this type of reproduction and fertilization is specifically what is known as "fertilization haplodiploidy" typical hymenopterous insects.
In the face of gestation, the female Bumblebee is dedicated exclusively to caring for their offspring, until the birth or appearance makes the first Bumblebee Workers, commonly known as a worker or worker bees. Genetically Bees and this of course includes the bumblebees, are designed to Queen Bees and Bumble engaged to lay eggs for the rest of his life and in turn the workers and in this case specifically the Workers Bumblebees are responsible for meeting the Queen Bumblebee, caring for eggs of this to be the future offspring, build new cells for the eggs, feed the larvae or young, care for the Queen and ensure its integrity, repair the nest when necessary, also to make the adjustments over time are required by the hive.
The Bumblebee Queen has the ability to produce and release pheromones that block the ability of growth hormones and sexual maturation in the ovaries of some larvae, so it is easier for her to remain as Queen of the Beehive. Therefore the female bumblebees are intended to be infertile or fertile workers, but over time the Queen to lay eggs and can not release more pheromones that block the reproductive capacity of the Workers, then the ovaries of these start to produce eggs but not being fertilized offspring will be male bumblebees.
Naturally and instinctively the Queen tries to destroy the new eggs from Obregon but some of them are saved because it is impossible to destroy as many eggs, new breeds of these eggs will become adult male bumblebees and some of them will mate successfully with Bumblebee queens new, continuing the reproductive cycle and ensures the conservation of the species.
At the end of summer and start the fall, the reproductive capacity of many new workers Bumblebee, until then be in full swing, and some of them are fertile female bumblebees that are immediately converted Female Bumblebees Queen, the new Queen of colony or new build. Mating courtship lleverá just between males and Bumblebees Bumblebees female Queen during a special flight, known as nuptial or mating flight. After this mating courtship air, the former Queen Bumblebee too old by then die, as luck will run the workers and males, the only sobervirán will be the new queen bumble bees, which are naturally instinctive and supercharge to increase their fat reserves and then find a place to spend the winter season, after which it will seek the right forum contruirán their nests and grow the colony, so repeated again and reproductive life cycle of the Bumblebee.
The Nests or Hives of Bumblebees
One of the distinguishing characteristics or differential between the nests or hives of bumblebees and nests or hives of the honey bee is its size, because the nests or hives of bumblebees are significantly smaller than the nests or hives of the honey bee , (the latter nests or hives of the honey bee can reach truly staggering size.)
Usually the Queen of Bumblebees only live a year in almost all species of this genus, the same start to build his new hive and lay eggs that will be the new colony next spring. A colony of bumblebees usually has fewer than 50 workers generally, HOWEVER colonic been found more than 400 members, especially in hot climates. Colonies of bumblebees normally use ground burrows abandoned by rodents or animals crawling.
Other animals or species usually build their nests or dens with bits of straw and vegetable pieces, sometimes on the ground and sometimes directly on or in dead hollow trees or abandoned. The Bumblebees usually prepare a paste wax to coat the roof of the hive or nest to increase the protection against possible invading enemies, this wax also serves as thermal insulation which allows a more even temperature all the time inside the nest , thereby protecting its inhabitants from the extreme temperature changes, as mentioned above in the section of the Bumble Bee as Bees also use wax to build pots or cells for storing pollen and honey to their offspring and energy supplies and food from the hive.
Nests or hives of bumblebees are very strong, many some of them may last a year on average However others last many years and can be very large, which is a feat for bumblebees because their life cycle is very short and size compared to their megaconstructions is reduced, therefore they are considered to Bumblebees arches and engineers are experts in nature.
Human or Animal Food and Bumblebee
Bumblebees like their relatives the bees feed on melittophylous plants (plants that produce honey and attract insects such as bees Hymenoptera for the ponilicen while feeding), this is a very productive symbiotic relationship between bumblebees and plants melittophylous, Bumblebees gain as the delicious and precious nectar from flowers for the development of their precious honey while carrying pollen on their legs which not only feed their young but in other Denja accidentally pollinated flowers and thus thus completing the reproductive cycle of flowering plants melittophylous.
The supervoladoras. Bumblebees like their relatives the bees are really considered a megaflying they can travel several miles in search of suitable flower fields to obtain nectar, which makes them a marathon athletes aerial distances on aerial lines size covered. With their survival instincts, sense of direction and highly developed organization, the bumblebees are able to consistently visit the same flowers and travel the same routes every day as these flowers produce nectar and / or pollen.
Speed Reached by the Bumblebees
Bumblebee incredibly healthy one can reach a speed of 54 km / hour speed is too fast for its size and shape have little aerodynamic, according low not only the laws of aviation and aerodynamics but also proving to be efficient, strong and fast fliers. The Bumblebees also like their relatives the Bees are designed to extract nectar from flowers melittophylous with its long, cylindrical tongue also called gloss.
Nectar Robbery by Bumblebees in Flowering Plants
However not always the relationship between flowering plants and bumblebees is symbiotic because sometimes some bumblebees often steal nectar without pollinating the flower, for biting or piercing the seat or base of the corolla of the flower, inside which is the desired liquid known as nectar. However it is noteworthy that not only generally Bumblebees are excellent pollinators, but at the same time are a large number of species of flowering plants.
The honey bees and bumble bees are also pollinators buzzing. This guy's Bumblebees extract dehiscent pollen plants, ie plants that do not publicly expose their seeds Through their anthers so the rumble bumblebees vibrate with the flower in order to extract from their anthers the pollen appreciated and valued these much needed. Buzz pollination is characteristic of plants belonging to the family of Solanaceae such as potato, snuff, tomato, and this type of polinzación by tinnitus, also encourages the plants belonging to the family of the Ericaceae as are for example: Azaleas, blueberries, among others.
Pollen particles adhere to the body of the bumblebee for two reasons: one by the electrostatic and the other by the multiple hairs that cover its body. The pollen that sticks to the bodies of bumblebees is skillfully brushed his legs to bring his hind legs which are located its corbiculae that are some sort of receptacles located on its hind legs or back where it is stored so that it can move more easily. Subsequently, the Bumblebee begins his flight to carry the pollen and nectar to the colmenta and deposit them in the pots or cells of the honeycomb previously created for it. Notably, the nectar of flowers is very rich in water and sugar, HOWEVER lacks many minerals and vitamins that you have the elaborate and precious honey bees and bumblebees.
Behavior and Morphology of Bumblebee Cuckoo
Unlike the Bumble Bee cuckoo builds no hives or nests, nor many ways congregations or colonies, they are gregarious and sociable little insect, a quality rare in the bees and bumblebees, it is noteworthy that the bumblebee is purely solitary or asocial Psithyrus the subgenus.
The queen of the bumblebee is regarded as a false queen usurps the place of the queen of another colony or hive, which invade or subjugate to put at your service. The fertilized female bumblebee is able to secrete pheromones that can detect very strong bees in the hive, then it is false queen kills the queen bee and impersonates real, the bees did not detect the change because it is false queen is able to secrete pheromones which are chemical messages of submission for their new workers which comply with the orders of the new queen.
Worker bees receive chemical messages from the new Queen false, such messages are simply chemical orders for the nurture and protect both herself and her young. The new queen bumblebee becomes a false Queen Bee, which is skillfully adapted and prepared for the attack, because it has powerful jaws that help you more easily subdue their opponents aa, also has a potent poison, these tools of the artillery Reina become a successful warrior and usurper. As if this were not enough a number of qualities that give it enough power Bumblebee females are also larger in size than male bumblebees.
Biological Taxonomy - Organization or Hierarchical Classification of the Bumblebees
The Bumblebees are classified into 15 different genres and in turn these genera belong to more than 250 different species. Currently the Cuckoos Bumblebees belong to the subgenus Psithyrus and belong to the genus Bombus once, but clasifcados previously in other genres. But several recent taxonomic studies, supporting its classification within the genus Bombus.
Habitat of the Bumblebees
The Bumblebees are a species well adapted to both cold and heat, unlike their relatives the bees which can adapt very well in warm or temperate but not in cold, this is due to their anatomy and the bumblebees are covered A thick layer of fine hairs that serves as insulation protecting them from cold and extreme heat, so they can be found in different parts of the globe
The Bumblebees have the ability to shiver to generate heat turning this feature on another very important Combart cold. In addition, bumblebees are able to circulate more hemolymph of your abdomen and chest when they need, that is its circulatory system can increase the circulation in these parts to increase their body temperature and promote the flight in difficult conditions. This not only helps them raise their temperature to make the flight but also it helps them protect their fragile offspring from the harsh cold. We must remember that the Hymenoptera are very sensitive to cold than the Bumblebees for its physiological adaptation after millions of years.
The Bumblebees and their Geographical Distribution Throughout the Globe
Although they are distributed to across the globe, were found in greater numbers and agglomeration in temperate and subtropical climates. However they are also found in northern or circumpolar regions because they are very well adapted physiologically to the cold.
The Bumblebees Major Economic Engine of Agricultures
The Bumblebees as Pollinators Bees are flower par excellence, However the advantage that the Bumble Bee on is that being better equipped to withstand the cold can pollinate plants of cold climates and therefore regions which reach their Bees low temperatures do not reach.
On the other hand, the Bumblebees, unlike their relatives the bees begin their task of pollination not only early in the morning but also do well first to the station Bees. It is therefore not surprising that Agricultures used to protect them and their work of pollination and reproduction of plants, while producing valuable prodcutos bee, with many nutritional and pharmacological properties, such as propolis, honey, Wax, Royal Jelly, etc.
Bumblebees and their Direct Influence on Agriculture, to be Used as Commercial Pollinators Mass
One of the salient features of the bees is that they are specialized and effective pollinators because they are the best pollinators of alfalfa blossom elemplo.
Alfalfa crops grow very well in New Zealand, However in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, New Zealand imported alfalfa because the plant had no natural pollinator to perpetuate the species and therefore these crops were convicted Alfalfa reproductive failure, it was then that the New Zealanders decided to import four varieties of bumblebees that did not exist in New Zealand at that time; The decision could not be better, because after 4 years New Zealand did not need to import more Alfafa, since it not only Alfalfa crops were rough but natural and reproductive cycle of the plant was successful thanks to the different species of bumblebee pollinators of this plant is now found in all crops of Alfalfa in New Zealand.
In the U.S., the bumblebees were used by the tomato industry in many large greenhouses in order to achieve successful mass production and tomato fields, obviously commercial, the idea was a success for the entrepreneur and indutriales tomato industry.
Environmental Protection and Preservation of the Status of Bumblebees
Bumblebees are unfortunately among the parasitic species and therefore are not productive in the process of pollination for Farmers, therefore it is not uncommon for entrepreneurs in the agricultural industry and agriculture, large-scale use of pesticides in order to reduce or extinguish mass population of these species parasitic bumblebees, however, and yet so far but with a view to protect their crops, often dramatically alter the populations of bumblebees pollinating parasites and even causing an ecological imbalance as notable, and even began to desceender certain floral species disappearing due to indiscriminate use of pesticides.
That is why in the United Kingdom founded the association "Bumblebee Conservation Trust, whose main objective is to protect and encourage the conservation of all species of bumblebees especially those who are in are in danger of extinction. However, despite the joint efforts, many species of bumblebees have disappeared, hence the emergence of a continuing concern for species in danger of extinction because their destruction would result in a serious ecological imbalance that would not only affect but also Hymenoptera other species of flowers and even food. And mention should be noted that because the widespread use of some pesticides have disappeared not only some species of bumblebees in the UK but also in the U.S..
In my personal opinion I think we should further explore the use or implementation of methods of natural pest control so as not to create ecological imbalances so marked and / or permanent in the short, medium and long term would have serious and undesirable consequences not only for different species of bumblebees but for all wildlife and captive.
The Flight of the Bumblebee: Transgress or Not the Laws of Aerodynamics?
The oldest book known to date in which it concludes after mentioned or a specialized study that bumblebees can not fly is a French book called: Le Vol des Insectes, 1934, in which there is a set of linear equations and aerodynamics which concluded that bumblebees can not fly. The question that arises in this respect is: Is this true or false?, Good to give a precise answer to that statement or conclusion is hard, but we can say is that most of these equations are correct and if it can effectively Bumblebee fly, as the insect has shown repeatedly.
Then ask us about it: Why do bumblebees indeed can fly as you actually do?, Well you have to keep in mind that years later evolved aerodynamics to 1934 and found another set of relationships and exceptions to every rule as always, in this case specifically in the case of the unusual flight of bumblebees, we mention that new studies reveal that the matter was not taken into account all possible effects or influences on Flight of the Bumblebee.
For while it is true that the linear equations do not allow the flight of the Bumblebee, one must take into account the dynamic power loss between each flapping flight that creates a vortex which exerts upward pressure and thus decrease the weight of the Bumblebee facilitating flight despite their small wings compared to their large body size, this side effect can be seen flapping in a field with smoke which you can clearly see the vortex and / or dynamic stall vortex of energy between each flutter. This vortex creates a kind of empty as it decreases the severity and therefore the weight of the Bumblebee, but really is not that gravity decreases but the gap is within the vortex flight offers less resistance and thus facilitates Flight of the Bumblebee.
However, and despite the many studies in this regard, it is clear that the controversy continues to clarify for certain depth and unusual myth of Flight of the Bumblebee sound.