Aberrant Behavior
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Deviation in a sociological context is described as the actions or conduct that violates standards cultural norms including formally promulgated (eg crime). Informal as well as violations of social norms (eg, the rejection of the customs). In the domain of sociologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, and criminologists who study how these rules are created, how they change over time and how they are enforced, as well as the non-compliance is considered an aberrant act.
Aberration or deviation of Social Norms and Violation of the same Aberration or deviation as reactive building
The Different Types and Theories of deviant behavior or Considered Aberrant
The strain theory of Merton (Sociology)
Symbolic Interactionism
Sutherland Differential Association (Differential Association)
Theory Neutrolización
There are five main types of Neutralization
Labeling Theory
Social conditioning are governed by specific rules of behavior, the ways in which people are supposed to act, the paradigms of predictable behavior in society. These social behaviors are not necessarily moral, and even moral, in fact it can often be pragmatic and, paradoxically, irrational. (Much of what we call way, having no logical point of view, it would be a good example here).
The rules are rules of conduct, in theory these are neutral, universal and ever-changing, according to the requirements and changes in society itself the moment, mutable, emergent, loose, reflective of the inherent biases and generally in favor of common interests. Vary from one class to another, according to the generational gaps that are created, in other words according to the surrounding context.
Social deviation or aberration, can be described as a violation of these rules. The diversion or social aberration, is the lack of conformity with the rules culturally reinforced and enforced by legislators of different societies. This definition can be interpreted in many different ways.
Social norms are different from one culture and another. For example, an act of trespass may be committed in a society or culture that breaks a social norm exists, but that alleged violation may be considered normal for another culture and society. Some acts of social deviation or aberration, may be criminal acts, but also according to the society or culture in question, the Social deviation or aberration, can be strictly imposed break with social norms that are intact.
The seriousness of the violation of these norms will be judged by the same company that created the rules in question under the Social aberration or deviation.
Seeing Social deviation or aberration as a violation of social norms, sociologists have characterized it as "any thought, feeling or action that goes against moral values and therefore this is considered a Social Deviance Rape or standards a society or group.
"Conduct that violates the definitions of appropriate and inappropriate behavior shared by members of a social system is considered a Rape, Social deviation or aberration, likewise commit acts that go against the Company and / or exceeding the tolerance it is also considered: Social deviation or aberration.
Reactive Conatructiva deviation or aberration has to do with the process by which the actions, beliefs or conditions (ABC) become viewed as deviant by others. Deviation can be seen in the negative, stigmatizing or social reaction of others to these phenomena.
Criminal Behavior: Since the theft, may be considered aberrant or deviant behavior, but other crimes attract little or no social reaction, and can not be considered abnormal (eg, violating copyright laws by downloading music online .)
Some beliefs in society will attract negative reaction, such as racism and homonegatividad, alternatively, even miscegenation or homosexuality, but that depends on society. People may have a condition which causes sometimes be Matrat by others as having HIV, dwarfism, facial deformities, or obesity.
From this we can analyze the deviation or aberration is relative to time and place for what is considered abnormal in a social context can be no other aberrant or deviant; (eg, fighting during a hockey game against the struggle in a nursing home). Killing another human being is considered bad, except when governments permit during the war or self-defense.
The issue of social power can not be divorced from a definition of the deviation or aberration because in some groups in society can criminalize the actions of another group by using its influence over legislators.
There are several classes and considered Aberrant Behavior Theories or diverted in different cultures and times or periods of time depending on which is giving them. We will discuss and describe some of them:
Social integration is the attachment to groups and institutions, while social regulation is the fulfillment of the norms and values of society. Which in fact are highly integrated fall into the category of "altruism" and those who are entering disintegrated "selfishness."
Similarly, those behaviors that are highly regulated within "fatalism" and those who fall into over-regulation: "anomie." Durkheim's strain theory attributes the deviation or aberration Social at the ends of the dimensions of social ties.
The Altruistic Sucide or (death for the sake of the group), or egoistic suicide (death for the removal of the cause itself or justified by the lack of links with others) and anomic suicide (death due to the confusion of self-interest and social norms), the Previous are three forms of suicide that can occur due to the extreme. Similarly, people can commit crimes for the sake of the individual or group for the proper self-justification for the lack of ties or support, or because social norms that challenge the individual and have no energy due to corruption of society and legislators, which the suicidal person takes it as a justification for their cause.
Robert K. Merton discussed the deviation or aberration in terms of goals and means as part of the strain / anomie theory. According to Durkheim states that anomie is the confusion of social norms, Merton goes further and asserts that anomie is the state in which social goals and legitimate means to achieve them do not match. We hypothesize that an individual's response to the expectations of society and the means by which the individual pursues these objectives were useful in understanding the deviation. Specifically Merton considered collective action as motivated by tension, stress or frustration of a group of individuals that stems from a disconnect between the society of the popularly used objectives and the means to achieve those goals.
Often, routine collective behavior (rioting, rebellion, etc.) says that the map on the economic explanations and causes through the tension. These two dimensions determine the adaptation to society according to the cultural objectives, which are the society's perceptions about the ideal life, and the institutionalized means, which are the legitimate means through which an individual can aspire to cultural goals.
Deviance or Social aberration, according to this view comes from the person who learns his deviant behavior or aberrations. The deviation or aberration can grow along with other deviant or aberrations or can ascertain the reasons for the deviation or aberration. Through their interactions, individuals create the symbolic structures that make life meaningful. The reality does not require the names and definitions of things, but people have to define things and make them meaningful to them socially real.
The focus is on the conscience and mind of the individual against institutions which are the rules. Symbolic interactionism allows researchers to understand how individuals negotiate, manipulate, change the structure and reality, to some extent. People who have been born in a society that has symbolic structures.
"The processing of emotion is essential for development and poor development of certain emotions, increasing socialization interrupts the normal risk of violent behavior in the future. Psychopathy has been linked to these two phenomena in men, however, the study of these relationships has been relatively neglected in women. " In the present study, 88 college women completed measures of psychopathy, aggression, and a lexical-decision task (LDT) to assess affective processing of words.
"Research has shown that (in) parents actually influence whether a child or adolescent engages in deviant behavior or aberration, however, research is mixed on whether that influence is direct."
In his Theory of Differential Association - Edwin Sutherland, postulated that criminals should learn behaviors and Crime Ddesviadas or aberrations, and that the deviation is not itself a part of the special nature of each. Moreover, he argues that criminal behavior is learned in the same way that all other behaviors are learned, which means that the acquisition of knowledge is not only criminal in comparison with the learning of other behaviors.
Sutherland, described some very basic aspects of his theory, as the idea that learning comes from interactions between individuals and groups, communicating with symbols and ideas. When the symbols and ideas about the deviation or Social Aberación are much more favorable than unfavorable, the individual tends to take a favorable view of the deviation or aberration, and the action in addition to these behaviors.
Criminal behavior (motivation and expertise), as with any other behavior, is learned. Some basic assumptions are:
- Learning in interaction with communication within intimate personal groups.
- Techniques, motives, drives, rationalizations and attitudes are learned.
- The excess of definitions favorable for Social Deviance or aberration.
- Legitimate and illegitimate behavior both express the same general needs and values.
Theory Neutrolización as Gresham Sykes and David Matza explains how social aberrations Desviados or justify their deviant behavior or aberration, providing alternative definitions of their actions and also providing explanations to himself and others, the lack of blame for actions in specific situations according to your own point of view of the subject or deviant individual or aberrations according to the Social condicionmientos which give the facts.
- Disclaimer: Deviation believes that s / he was driven helplessly in the diversion, and in the same circumstances, any other person to resort to similar actions
- Denial of Injury: Deviance or Social aberration, believes that the action did not cause injury to others or to society, and therefore the deviation or social aberration, is morally wrong.
- The denial of the victim: Deviance or Social aberration, believes that individuals at the receiving end of the deviation or social aberration, were deserving of the results because the victim's lack of virtue or morality.
- Sentencing of convicted: Those convicted of deviation or aberration Social, believe that the performance figures of the victims, it tends to be just as corrupt or diverted from reality and as a result, they are hypocritical to oppose the results of these convictions or prosecutions.
- Appeal For further loyalties: Deviance or Social aberration, believes there loyalties and values that go beyond the confines of the law, morality, friendship, income, or traditions may be more important for deviants or social aberrations that legal limits by the society in which case often lose value and importance to them and which are predominant values of their gang, group or Diverted own ideologies.
Frank Tannenbaum and Howard S. Becker created and developed the theory of labeling, which is a central facet of symbolic interaction, and often referred to as Tannenbaum "dramatization of evil." Becker believes that "social groups create diversion by making the rules whose infraction constitutes deviance."
Labelling is a process of social reaction by the "social groups" (stereotypes) people in society are liable to be judged accordingly definition (labeling), the behavior of a person as deviant. Has been characterized as the "selection invention, the manipulation of beliefs that define the behavior in a negative way, and the selection of persons in these categories"
Then the Theory of Social Labeling, therefore, suggests that the deviation is due to be labeled as morally inferior, the deviation of the internalization of the label and finally the departure of acting in accordance with that specific tag (in other words the label of "Forwarded or aberrations" and act accordingly.) As time passes, the "deviant" acquired traits that are the aberration in committing such acts that fit the label (which society has the right not to label or tag and the person himself has the power to stop deviation or aberration before it occurs and thus a new person to be labeled socially).
Individual and social concern with the tag, ie deviated leads people to follow in a self-fulfilling prophecy of compliance with the label attached to it. This theory, while it is largely symbolic-interactionist, also has elements of conflict theory as the dominant group has the power to decide what is abnormal and unacceptable, and has the power behind the labeling process.
An example is the prison system, for people who are officially labeled as thieves in society, these people by definition tend to'll feel powerless to change. "From this point of view," as Howard S. Becker has written.
Deviation is not a quality of the act of the person who commits, but rather is a consequence of the application by others of rules and sanctions to a "criminal." The Baffled or aberrations is he whom the label has been applied successfully, otherwise deviant behavior is the set of acts that people label.
In other words, "only becomes deviant or criminal behavior if defined and interfered as such by specific people in specific situations."
It is important to note the salient facts that society does not always considered correct and are labeled, often falsely misrepresenting identification and people as deviant or aberration, attributing characteristics that do not have. In legal terms, people are often unfairly accused, however, many of them must live with the stigma after their sentences are fulfilled or not, for the rest of their lives.
On a similar note, the company often employs a double standard, with some sectors of society to enjoy favoritism. Certain behaviors in a group are considered to be perfectly acceptable, or can be easily overlooked, but others are, for the same audiences as abominable.