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What is an Antivirus?


The virus originated as a simple tool whose objective was to detect and eliminate computer viruses during the 1980's.

Over time, the emergence of more advanced operating systems and Internet, antivirus programs have evolved into more advanced who not only want to detect a computer virus, but lock it to prevent infection by the same, and now and are able to recognize other types of malware such as spyware, rootkits, etc..

Running a virus varies from one to another, although their normal behavior is based on having a list of known viruses and to recognize shapes (called signatures or vaccines), and analyzed against that list the files stored or transmitted to and to a computer.

Additionally, many current anti-virus detection functions have been incorporated proactive, not
are based on a list of known malware, but that analyze the behavior of files or communications to detect which are potentially harmful to the computer, using techniques such as heuristics, HIPS, etc..

Usually a virus has one (or more) memory-resident component that is responsible for analyzing and verifying all open files created, modified, executed and transmitted in real time, ie while the computer is in use.

They also have a component demanded scan (known scanners, scanners, etc.), and protection modules e-mail, Internet, etc..

The primary objective of any current antivirus is detecting as many threats that can affect a computer and block them before it can infect a computer, or you can delete it after infection.

Other Antivirus Definitions

Application or application group dedicated to the prevention, search, detection and removal of malicious software on computer systems.

Among the programs with malicious code including viruses, Trojans, worms, spyware, and other malwares.

A virus may also have other tools related to security and antispam, firewall, antispyware, etc.

A virus must meet certain requirements to be considered effective and efficient: constant updating, permanent protection, comprehensive database of malware and good heuristic.

Some types of antivirus antivirus active, passive antivirus, antivirus online, antivirus and free antivirus offline.


Always have an antivirus installed on your computer, as a general scan all disks to install. If you detect a virus delete the installation as soon as possible. Or set it automatically and it will all analyzes with periodicity in the background ie without intervention and without you realizing it.

Regularly update your antivirus

An updated antivirus can not be completely useless. All antivirus on the market remain resident on your computer to control all operations and file transfer performance by analyzing each file to determine if you have virus, while the user performs other tasks.

Why an Antivirus?

A virus is a program whose function is to detect and eliminate computer viruses and other malicious programs.

Basically, a virus code compares each file with a database of codes (known as signatures or vaccines) of known viruses, so it is important to update it periodically to prevent a new virus is not detected. They are also added advanced features such as searching for typical behaviors of viruses (a technique known as heuristics) or verification against viruses in computer networks.

Usually a virus has a component that is loaded into memory and remains there to check all files opened, created, modified and implemented in real time. It is very common components have to review the attachments of outgoing and incoming emails and the scripts and programs that can run in a web browser (ActiveX, Java, JavaScript).

Viruses, worms, spyware, ... are computer programs that run normally without the consent of the rightful owner and have the characteristics of running resources, consume memory and even remove or destroy the information.

An additional feature is the ability to spread. Other features include data theft, loss of this, the ability of impersonation, which cause economic losses and reverse image.

The anti-virus programs that detect and eliminate computer viruses and other malicious programs (sometimes called malware).

Basically, a virus code compares each file with a database of codes (also known as signatures or vaccines) of known viruses, so it is important to update it periodically to prevent a new virus is not detected. They have added advanced features such as searching for typical behaviors of viruses (a technique known as heuristics) or verification against viruses in computer networks.

Usually a virus has a component that is loaded into memory and remains there to check all files opened, created, modified and implemented in real time. It is very common components have to review the attachments of outgoing and incoming emails and the scripts and programs that can run in a web browser (Active X?, Java, Java Script?).

Viruses, worms, spyware, ... are computer programs that run normally without the consent of the rightful owner and have the characteristics of running resources, consume memory and even remove or destroy the information.

An additional feature is the ability to spread. Other features include data theft, loss of this, the ability of impersonation, which cause economic losses and reverse image.


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