
Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2011


FRENCH ALPHABET COMPOSITION Uses the same basic English alphabet, but many of the letters can carry additional marks, such as E, A and O. In French, these combinations are not considered additional letters. However, in Iceland, accented letters, such as a, i, o and are considered different letters of the alphabet. In Spanish, ñ is considered a separate letter, but the accented vowels like A and E are not. The ll and ch are also considered individual letters, but in 1994 the Royal Spanish Academy of Language has changed the classification for which I is between LK and LM in the dictionary and ch is between CG and CI. SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES OF FRENCH ALPHABET WITH RESPECT TO OTHER ALPHABETS In German, the words that begin with SCH-(which is the German phoneme / ʃ /) are sandwiched between the words with initial SCA-and science (all loans by the way) instead of this group of charts that follow the letter s, as if it were a single letter - a policy that would lexicographica...


IN THE WORLD The term "alphabet" is used by linguists and paleographers in general. In the broadest sense, the alphabet, alphabet or ABC, is a script that is segmented by phonemes and thus produce independent glyphs paragraph with individual sounds. In the strictest sense, some scholars distinguish what they regard as a true alphabet abc abecedaro or, in other two types of scripts and abugidas abjads segmented. These three differ in the way they treat vowels as well: peer abjads have letters, consonants and vowels leave the highest court of the unspoken. Abugidas also consistent occurs against, but vowels are indicated with diacritics or a systematic change graphics and consonants. In some scripts, or abc alphabet, consonants and vowels are written as single letters. The first known alphabet, here is the alphabet, alphabet, abc or Wadi el-Hol script. The Abjad, is through its successor Phoenician ancestor of modern alphabets, including Arabic alphabet, the Greek ...


ASIAN LOGOGRAPHY Beyond China logography or writing many scripts, alphabets or abc Asians are more phonetic. The alphabet, abc alphabet or Arabic, the alphabet, Hebrew alphabet or abc, alphabet, abc alphabet or Syriac, and other Middle Eastern abjads are the evolution of the alphabet, abc alphabet or Aramaic. Most alphabetic scripts in India and East Asia are descendants of the Brahmi script, which often is thought to be a descendant of the alphabet, abc alphabet or Aramaic. In Korea, the alphabet, abc alphabet or Hangul, was created by Sejong the Great in 1443. The understanding of the phonetic alphabet in Mongolia, the alphabet, ABC or abc Phagspa helped the creation of a phonetic writing suitable for the Korean language spoken. In Mongolia the alphabet, ABC or abc Phagspa was in turn derived from the Brahmi script. Hangul is a unique alphabet in a variety of ways: It is a featural script, where many of the cards have been designed from the sound of a place of articulation (P t...


WRITINGS AND SCRIPTS HISTORY The history of the alphabet, alphabets or abc began in ancient Egypt. Around 2700 BC, Egyptian writing in that time there was a group of some 24 hieroglyphs uniliterales are called to represent syllables that begin with a single consonant of their language, and a vocal (or vocal) to be supplied by the native speaker. These glyphs were used as pronunciation guides logograms, to write grammatical inflections, and later to transcribe loan words and foreign names. However, although seemingly alphabetic in nature uniliterales characters original Egyptians, were not an alphabetic system, and were never used by themselves to encode Egyptian speech or as a means of translating  your communication in writing. PROTO-SINAITIC SCRIPT - MIDDLE BRONZE In the Middle Bronze Age an apparently "alphabetic system" known as proto-Sinaitic script, believed by some that was developed in the Sinai Peninsula during the nineteenth century BC by the Canane...


APOLOGY FOR ABC, ALPHABET OR ABC Alphabet, abc alphabet or Middle Eastern (Writings and Scripts) The history of the alphabet, alphabets or abc began in ancient Egypt. Around 2700 BC, Egyptian writing in that time there was a group of some 24 hieroglyphs uniliterales are called to represent syllables that begin with a single consonant of their language, and a vocal (or vocal) to be supplied by the native speaker. These glyphs were used as pronunciation guides logograms, to write grammatical inflections, and later to transcribe loan words and foreign names. However, although seemingly alphabetic in nature uniliterales characters original Egyptians, were not an alphabetic system, and were never used by themselves to encode Egyptian speech or as a means of translating  your communication in writing. In the Middle Bronze Age an apparently "alphabetic system" known as proto-Sinaitic script, believed by some that was developed in the Sinai Peninsula during the nin...


ALPHABETS, ALPHABETS OR ABC, ARE CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO HOW THE INDICATE VOWELS OF FOLLOWS Just as consonants, as in the alphabet, Greek alphabet or abc (Alphabet true) Diacritics or modification of the consonants, as in the alphabet, abc alphabet or Hindi (Devanagari: हिन्दी) (abugida) Not at all, as in the alphabet, abc Phoenician alphabet or call (abjad) The word "alphabet" or abc alphabet came into Middle English from the Latin word Alphabetum late, which in turn originated in the alphabet, Greek alphabet or abc (Αλφάβητος Alphabet). Since alpha and beta, the first two letters of the alphabet, Greek alphabet or abc. Alpha and beta in turn came from the first two letters of the alphabet, Phoenician alphabet and abc, which meant every word or logography ox and house respectively. Dozens of alphabet, ABC or abc in use today, the most common alphabet, alphabet or ABC (American), derived from the first alphabet, abc alphabet or true: the Greek alphabet. Most ...

Alfabeto, Abecedario o ABC Francés

Historia, Orígenes, Comparaciones y similitudes del Alfabeto, Abecedario o ABC Francés Utiliza el mismo alfabeto básico Inglés, pero muchas de las letras pueden llevar marcas adicionales, tales como E, A y O. En francés, estas combinaciones no se consideran letras adicionales. Sin embargo, en Islandia, las letras acentuadas, como a, i, ö y se consideran letras distintas del alfabeto . En español, la ñ se considera una letra por separado, pero las vocales acentuadas, como A y E no lo son. La ll y ch también se consideran letras individuales, pero en 1994 la Real Academia Española de la Lengua ha cambiado de clasificación para lo que hoy es entre LK y LM en el diccionario y ch es entre CG y CI.  Alfabeto, Abecedario o ABC Alemán En alemán, las palabras que comiencen con SCH- (que constituye el fonema alemán / ʃ /) se intercalan entre las palabras con las iniciales SCA- y la ciencia (todos los préstamos por cierto) en vez de este grupo de gráficos que aparecen después de la...

Tipos de Alfabetos, Abecedarios y ABC

Definición y Tipos de Alfabetos, Abecedarios y ABC El término " Alfabeto " es utilizado por los lingüistas y paleógrafos en general. En el sentido más amplio, el alfabeto, abedecedario o abc, es una secuencia de comandos, que se segmenta por fonemas y glifos independientes para producir así párrafo con sonidos individuales. En el sentido más estricto, algunos estudiosos distinguen lo que ellos consideran como verdadero alfabeto, abecedaro o abc; de otros dos tipos de secuencias de comandos segmentados en abjads y abugidas. Estos tres se diferencian en la forma en que tratan las vocales así: Abjads tienen letras pares, las consonantes y vocales dejan la mayor instancia de la parte no expresada. Abugidas también en consonancia se da en contra, sino que también las vocales se indican con diacríticos o una modificación sistemática y gráfica de las consonantes. Las Vocales y Consonantes y Tipos de Alfabetos, Abecedarios y ABC En algunos alfabetos, abecedarios o abc...

Alfabetos, Abecedarios o ABC Asiáticos

Historia y Origen - Alfabetos, Abecedarios o ABC Asiáticos Más allá de la logográfía o escritura China, muchos  ABC,  alfabeto  o Abecedario  asiáticos son más bien fonéticos. El alfabeto, abecedario o abc árabe, el alfabeto, abecedario o abc hebreo, el alfabeto, abecedario o abc siríaco, y otros abjads de Oriente Medio son la evolución del alfabeto, abecedario o abc arameo.  La mayoría de las escrituras alfabéticas de la India y Asia Oriental son descendientes de la escritura Brahmi, que a menudo se cree que es un descendiente del  ABC,  alfabeto  o Abecedario  arameo. Corea; y el Alfabeto, Abecedario o ABC Hangul - Alfabetos, Abecedarios o ABC Asiáticos Fue creado por Sejong el Grande en el año 1443. La comprensión del alfabeto fonético de Mongolia, el alfabeto, abecedario o abc Phagspa, ayudó a la creación de una escritura fonética adecuada para el idioma coreano hablado. En Mongolia el alfabeto, abecedario o abc Phagspa...

Alfabetos Abecedario o ABC Europeos

Historia y Origen Alfabetos, Abecedario o ABC Europeos El formulario de Cumas del Alfabeto, abecedarios o abc griego fue llevado por los colonos griegos de Eubea de la península italiana, donde se dio lugar a una variedad de Alfabeto, abecedarios o abc utilizados para inscribir lenguas itálicas. Uno de ellos se convirtió en el Alfabeto, abecedarios o abc latino el más importante de ellos y que se extendió a toda Europa, los romanos expandieron su imperio gracias en gran medida a que el Latín se hablaba y escribía en gran parte de Europa. Incluso después de la caída del imperio romano, sobrevivió en el Alfabeto, abecedarios o abc Latino y con ello lo hicieron también importantes obras religiosas e intelectuales. Con el tiempo las diferentes regiones Europeas se acostumbraron a los idiomas descendientes del latín (las famosas lenguas romances) y luego para la mayoría de las otras lenguas de Europa. Funthark Mayor, Otro Alfabeto Abecedario o ABC Europeo Otro Alfabeto, abeced...

Historia el Alfabeto Abecedario o ABC

La historia del Alfabeto, abecedarios o abc; se inició en el antiguo Egipto. Alrededor del año 2700 A.C., en la escritura egipcia de aquel tiempo había un conjunto de algunos 24 jeroglíficos que se llaman uniliterales, para representar sílabas que comienzan con una sola consonante de su lengua, además de una vocal (o no vocal) para ser suministrado por el hablante nativo. Estos glifos eran utilizados como guías de pronunciación de logogramas, para escribir las inflexiones gramaticales; y más tarde para transcribir las palabras de préstamos y nombres extranjeros. Sin embargo, aunque aparentemente en la naturaleza alfabética de los caracteres uniliterales egipcios originales; no fueron un sistema alfabético; y nunca fueron utilizados por ellos mismos para codificar el habla egipcia o como medio de plasmar su comunicación de forma escrito. Historia el Alfabeto Abecedario o ABC de la  Edad de Bronce En la Edad del Bronce Medio; un aparentemente "sistema alfabético" co...


THE PERUVIAN JUNGLE CAUSING MINOR INJURIES TO 19 PEOPLE Lima, august 24 (EFE) .- The earthquake of 7 magnitude on the Richter scale rocked the central jungle of Peru caused minor injuries to 19 people, according to the interim report of the National Civil Defense Institute (INDECI). Despite the strength of the earthquake, the great depth of the epicenter and the fact that it is located in a sparsely populated area of the Peruvian jungleprevented damage. According to INDECI, the injured are two men whose housing, poorconstruction, collapsed in the Junin region, and 17 students who fell down the stairs of his school when evacuated by the earthquake . All the injured were treated and have no serious injuries. The seismic event occurred at 12.46 local time (17.46 GMT) and was felt inmuch of Peru , including Lima, where in spite of slight intensity was felt in himselfthat stood out for a longer duration of the tremors that usually shake coast. According to the rep...


90 MILLIONS INITIAL PUBLIC Barcelona, ​​July 27. (EFE) .- The Generalitat, the Spanish Government and Barcelona City Council will contribute 90 million euros between 2012 and 2018 to launch projects related to the choice of Barcelona as the capital of the world of mobile telephony, which will be managed by a foundation public and private participation. Although the initial capital now comes from public coffers only, the goal is that private contributions can reach and even exceed the administrations, and to realize an ambitious project that is expected to generate an economic impact of 3,500 million euros in six years. These data have been advanced during the official presentation of the nomination of Barcelona as capital of the world mobile phone after the Friday the entity that brings together the largest companies in the world of telecommunications, the GSMA, opted this city and rule out other options such as Paris, Munich and Milan. Under this election, Barcelona...


CON UN APOYO PÚBLICO INICIAL DE 90 MILLONES Barcelona , 27 jul. (EFE).- La Generalitat, el Gobierno español y el Ayuntamiento de Barcelona aportarán 90 millones de euros entre 2012 y 2018 para lanzar los proyectos vinculados a la elección de Barcelona como capital mundial de la telefonía móvil, que serán gestionados por una fundación con participación pública y privada. Pese a que el capital inicial procede de momento sólo de las arcas públicas, el objetivo es que la aportación privada pueda alcanzar e incluso superar la de las administraciones, para poder así hacer realidad un ambicioso proyecto que prevé generar un impacto económico de 3.500 millones de euros en seis años. Estos datos han sido avanzados durante la presentación oficial de la candidatura de Barcelona como capital mundial de la telefonía móvil, después de que el pasado viernes la entidad que aglutina a las mayores empresas de todo el mundo del sector de las telecomunicaciones, GSMA, optara por esta ciuda...

MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND INNOVATION IN Telefónica will invest in technology companies

TELEFONICA WILL INVEST IN TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES Madrid, July 27. (EFE). - The Minister of Science and Innovation,Cristina Garmendia, and the chairman of Telefonica, CesarAlierta, have signed an agreement last 27/jul./2011 to invest intechnology  - based companies and entrepreneurs in the sectorprojects through a public-private venture capital. Garmendia , said after his signature on the document that the capital invested in the two entities in innovative companies will be up to 50 million euros each .


INVERTIRÁ CON TELEFÓNICA EN EMPRESAS TECNOLÓGICAS Madrid, 27 jul. (EFE).- La ministra de Ciencia e Innovación, Cristina Garmendia, y el presidente de Telefónica, César Alierta, han firmado el pasado 27/jul./2011 un acuerdo para invertir en empresas innovadoras de base tecnológica y en proyectos emprendedores del sector mediante un proyecto público-privado de capital riesgo.  Garmendia , explicó tras su rúbrica en el documento, que el capital que invertirán las dos entidades en empresas innovadoras será de hasta 50 millones de euros cada una. 


WILL INVEST IN TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES Madrid, July 27. (EFE) .- The Minister of Science and Innovation,Cristina Garmendia, and the chairman of Telefonica, CesarAlierta, today signed an agreement to invest in innovative technology  - based entrepreneurial projects in the sector througha public-private venture capital. This agreement is part of the program of the Ministry "INNVIERTE" Sustainable Economy, which aims to encourage investment in innovative companies in this sector "with high growth potential," they said both entities in a joint statement. The Center for Industrial Technological Development, depending on Science and Innovation, is responsible for this plan, which aims to lead the country's technological development and increase levels of competitiveness of innovative companies . Telefonica will provide these companies with funding and expertise in the market. The multinational said that their assistance is open to both companies in a...