Cranmer Abacus, Abacuses for the Blind or Visually Impaired

Basic Definition - Cranmer Abacus, Abacuses for the Blind or Visually Impaired

It is an abacus invented by Tim Cranmer, hence its name, commonly called Cranmer Abacus is still commonly used by people who are blind, visually limited or blind.

Cranmer Abacus Features - Cranmer Abacus, Abacuses for the Blind or Visually Impaired

One of the main features of the abacus, is that the spheres, counting seeds or pearls, not be moved without the user does, in order to avoid it and facilitate transactions with this, Tim Cranmer, devised a mechanism to jam it or curb these areas, seeds or beads in order to facilitate handling of same, A soft cloth or rubber is placed behind the beads so that they do not move inadvertently. This prevents the grains move from place while the users feel to manipulate, usually blind users, in order to use the abacus with precision, to perform mathematical functions multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, square root and cube root.

Cranmer Abacus usage - Cranmer Abacus, Abacuses for the Blind or Visually Impaired

Although blind or visually impaired students have benefited from talking calculators, the Abacus Cranmer is still often used and taught to students in the early grades, both in public schools and state schools for the blind or blind. The abacus teaches mathematical skills that can not be replaced with talking calculators and is an important learning tool for blind students, blind or visually limidados. 

Cranmer Ábacus advantages over Nemeth Braille Code - Cranmer Abacus, Abacuses for the Blind or Visually Impaired

Students who are blind or visually limidados also complete mathematical tasks using a braille writing: Nemeth code (a type of braille code for mathematics), but there may be big problems in multiplication and division in long or complex. Cranmer abacus gives blind and visually impaired, a tool to calculate mathematical problems that equals the speed and mathematical knowledge required by their sighted peers using pencil and paper. Many people who are blind or visually impaired, often find this machine, as a useful tool throughout their lives.


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