Antivirus - PF (Packet Filter): Definition


Basic Definition

PF (Packet Filter) is the packet filter or firewall configuration based on dynamic (stateful rules) written by Darren OpenBSD. Replaced the filter in Darren Reed IPFilter OpenBSD due to problems with the license, namely that Reed had to give permission to the OpenBSD developers to change the code.

Theo de Raadt said IPFilter was removed when "the software that OpenBSD uses and shares should be free for all (both users and companies)

For any purpose you want to be given, including modification, use, peeing on it or even join babies in crushing machines or atomic bombs to throw in Australia ". Due to the discomfort of the OpenBSD team with Reed's license, it was decided to replace the entire package rather than waste time trying to negotiate the issue.

The PF has since developed very quickly

And in OpenBSD 3.8 and had great advantage over other firewall options. Filtering syntax is similar to IPFilter, although modified to make it clearer. The Network Address Translation (NAT) and quality of service (QoS) were integrated seamlessly into PF, to allow greater flexibility. Reached integrating QoS queues alternatives (ALTQ) in PF itself.

The PF can be used for mounting flexibility firewall devices

Since it includes features such as pfsync and redundancy protocol for common addresses (CARP), authpf (session ID), an ftp proxy and other extras related to PF.

PF has been ported to NetBSD 3.0 per itojun

Is installed in the default configuration of FreeBSD since version 5.3 and appears in DragonFlyBSD since version 1.2.


Unknown ha dicho que…
Be the first to point out that the checks are securities whose characteristics and conditions are regulated in Title III, Chapter V, Section III, Articles 712 and following of the Commercial Code. Thus, Article 718 establishes the deadlines for submission of checks like this:
"Checks should be presented for payment:
1. Within fifteen days from its date, if they are paid at the same place of issue;
2. Within a month, if they are payable in the same country of issue, but rather different from this;
3. Within three months, if they are issued in a Latin American country and payable in any other country in Latin America, and
4. Within four months, if they are issued in a Latin American country to be paid outside of Latin America. "
The result of the untimely submission of checks under the terms stated expiration is cambiaria1 action, that is, the inability of the exchange law born as the payment obligation is subject to the condition that the holder of this title for payment and protest in time.
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This item is no longer refers to the expiration of the exchange action but refers to the bank's obligation to pay the check if it is submitted within six months of its date. "During this term - which certainly exceeds that of the submission, Article 718 - the holder may carry as many times you want the check to the bank to obtain payment window, or file through your checking account, and if funds it is the duty of the drawee to pay or make an offer of partial payment, until the available balance "3

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