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Mostrando entradas de abril 28, 2013

Abacus Basic Definitions

The abacus, also known as counting frame, is a calculating tool used especially in parts of Asia for performing arithmetic operations or processes. Today, abaci are built regularly, with a bamboo frame to which are added esferaas or with beads sliding on wires or threads resistententes, but originally they were beans or seeds like stones moved in grooves in sand or on wooden tables (abacus Logic), stone or metal. The abacus was used for many centuries before the adoption of the written modern numeral system, and is still widely used by merchants, traders and employees in Asia, Africa and elsewhere. The user of the abacus is called regular or known as: abacist. The abacus, also called a counting frame, is a calculating tool used primarily in parts of Asia for the exercise of arithmetic processes. Today, abacuses are often constructed as a bamboo frame with beads sliding on wires, but originally they were beans or stones, then moved in grooves in sand or on tablets of wood, sto

Types of Abacus: Abacus Logic or Logical Piano

Logical Abacus or Logical Piano Based on Boolean Algebra Photo Source Wikipedia A logical Piano or Abacus Logic, is based on a digital device from: The computer, laptop or pc. Also known as a "machine logic or logical piano" logical abacus is analogous to what is considered (mathematics) Normal. It is based on the principle of Canonical form - Boolean algebra very similiar to Tables of Truth. Uses 4 terms with their 16 possible combinations and corresponding negatives, unlike the traditional abacus, the abacus uses Logical or Logical Piano: Terms, words, or logical propositions for syllogisms instead of numbers, the archaic basis of modern computers. These logical statements are based on Boolean algebra logical problem solving. Even earlier, the numbers were invented, and counting devices were used for calculations every day, one of these devices was: The abacus, allowed and facilitated, the rise of good traders and accurate data on the purchase

Tipos de Ábacos: Ábaco Lógico

Piano Lógico o Ábaco Lógico Basado en el Álgebra de Boole Fuente Imagen Wikimedia Commons Licencia 2.0 Genérica Definición Ábaco Lógico o Piano Lógico Un Ábaco lógico ó Piano Lógico, es la base de un mecanismo digital del ordenador, computador, laptop o pc. También se conoce como una "máquina lógica ó piano lógico", el ábaco lógico es análogo a lo que se considera (matemática) normal. Se basa en el principio de las Formas Canónicas - Álgebra de Boole muy similiar a las Tablas de la Verdad. Utiliza 4 términos con sus 16 combinaciones posibles y negaciones correspondientes, y a diferencia del ábaco tradicional. El Ábaco Lógico o Piano Lógico utiliza: Términos, palabras, o proposiciones lógicas para obtener silogismos en vez de números, la base arcaica de las computadoras modernas. Dichas proposiciones lógicas están basadas en el Álgebra de Boole para resolver problemas lógicos. Historia del Ábaco Lógico o Piano Lógico Antes incluso, que los números fue